The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

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The Final Look(?)

by | Aug 15, 2021 | Site

I don’t really know if this is going to be the final look (barring any tweaks I make to advertise or celebrate something), but I’ve been using this layout since roughly August of last year, so it’s clearly grown on me. This theme is meant to reference the site’s namesake, the Praedian Records. Better to think of that as the Akashic Records of the Praedia setting, but with a couple of twists.

This theme could probably use some tweaks to the hues throughout. The entire look is based on the ‘reference state’ of mana in the Praedia setting, which varies between cyan and teal. It’s tough settling on exact values when mana actually looks different under different conditions in the setting itself. That goes for real life, too; each of my monitor settings is different and I haven’t found a good balance. So, what’s the best value for something like a border or a background haze? Still figuring that out, but I’d say it’s close to where I’d be comfortable keeping it for good.

Speaking of final looks, I’ve got some colossally bad news. Praedia’s physical size is being changed. Even if the geography was exactly how I wanted it, I’d still need to redo that globe. Since it’s not, I’ve got a lot to do to bring the planet up to date. That’s going to take time but when it’s done, that will probably be one of the most notable changes with the look of the site. It’s not coming for months though, even at the earliest. I tend to make these things from scratch so it can’t be helped.


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