The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

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Prinz Heinrich and a Cosmo Fighter

by | Sep 19, 2021 | Space Engineers

It slipped my mind that I needed to post yesterday, but on the bright side, knowing I had to do two posts today to make up for it was a much needed kick in the butt. So today I’m going to share some screenshots of some Space Engineers builds I’ve been working on during my unproductive hours.

I know what I wrote.

First up is the Prinz Heinrich.

Prinz Heinrich

This ship is based on the one-off armored cruiser the SMS Prinz Heinrich. That’s right, this has nothing to do with World of Warship’s upcoming German battlecruiser line! The color scheme is inspired by Azur Lane’s Iron Blood faction, though. So there’s that.

Anyone who’s been playing Space Engineers for any length of time probably recognizes this ship’s distinct profile. That’s because this ship started off as a modified D-37 Timberwolf. If there was going to be a tutorial ship for this game, the Timberwolf would be a great candidate. It’s been used as a base for ships so many times that it’s just shy of becoming a meme. Maybe that’ll happen if more of them get published.

Anyway, let’s take a closer look.

Prinz Heinrich Bow Prinz Heinrich Bridge Prinz Heinrich Stern Starboard Side

The first picture shows the bow, which is probably the biggest difference from the Timberwolf. It has a beak instead of a shroud for the missile launchers. Also, instead of missiles, the bow has an axial laser. There’s also an ore detector and a camera. I even put a laser antenna on top of the bow for working with scouting drones. Why an ore detector? The ship can operate completely independently as long as it’s got some auxiliaries aboard. It can fit several small ones in the hangar or external connectors. Having its own ore detector means it can find what it needs and then call up the auxiliaries and defend them while they mine the goods. They don’t have to do anything until they’re actually needed.

The second picture is the view just outside the bridge. Not much else to add, but I should probably mention the mods this ship uses. There aren’t a ton, but there are enough that I’m not comfortable publishing the ship yet. My general approach is to use whatever mods I want to speed up the building process, and then study the ship for ways to eliminate as many of them as I can. The trouble with dear Heinrich here is that I’m not really settled on anything about her, yet. Everything from the design of entire areas to her weapons and even her paint scheme are still up in the air. She’s just had most of this configuration for so long that I’m likely to settle on it soon.

The third picture showcases the primary thrusters. There are two nuclear reactors directly behind the thrusters on the flanks, not to mention a slew of hydrogen tanks that feed these hungry machines. Everything’s got a weakness I guess; at least the Heinrich’s shielded~

She’s also packing a decent suite of offensive and defensive weapons. The fourth picture here shows her main offensive weapons, the M48 Archer Pods from the Halo UNSC Ship Weapons mod. These are the one thing I’m not really considering swapping out for heavier guided ordnance anymore.

Prinz Heinrich Barrage

Not quite a Macross Missile Massacre, but we’re getting there. Give it time.

203mm Batteries

The 203mm batteries from the Northwind Weapons mod are also keepers at this point.

AMS Turrets

The AMS lasers are from the same modpack and 10 of these make up the majority of Prinz Heinrich’s close-in weapon systems. The rest is handled by 8 rampart turrets.

With that I think it’s time to take a look inside the ship. It looks completely different from the Timberwolf.

Bridge Back Bridge Front Bridge Access

The bridge has four operating stations in a diamond arrangement. The captain’s seat is in the back and just has some basic control and monitoring functions. The forward most console is the helm for the ship. It also has controls for the axial laser and some of the weapons. The engineering console is on the right and can mess with things happening down in Engineering. The console on the left is the weapons console. This console has access to and control of all of the Heinrich’s weapons.

Captain's Quarters

I put a picture of Elly Van Houten in the captain’s quarters of all my Kaisermarine and Kriegsmarine inspired ships as an old inside joke. She’s probably Dutch, but when did that stop Germany?

Onto more serious aspects of the ship.

General Information Center

This is the General Information Center. Since the Heinrich’s capable of operating as a warship or as an explorer, the CIC is referred to as a GIC. To be perfectly honest, I’m a bit iffy on the naming conventions regarding parts of the ship since there’s also a data center. It’s a server room for all but one of the programmable blocks on the ship, but server room isn’t exactly fitting either, at least I don’t think so.

Data Center

The Data Center in question.

Cryo Room

Cryo Room with monitoring.

The ship’s gravity generator is in here, too. A holdover from the Timberwolf.


The hangar.

It’s somewhat large, but not quite big enough for the current iteration of the Messerschmitt. Both of the original versions could fit in here easily, but the new version isn’t a mosquito and also doesn’t have folding wings. Fortunately they can dock to the ship from the outside and the hangar can be reserved for carrying small auxiliaries/drones.

This hangar used to have modded doors which actually gave a bit more wiggle room for large fighters, but I removed it when I realized that even with those I wouldn’t have room for a cosmo style fighter, not unless I made some huge changes to the front half of the ship. Heinrich’s not a carrier so making such a big change just to be able to keep one extra fighter onboard isn’t really worth it. I think it’s better to have a reasonably large hangar just for auxiliaries or whatever cargo needs carrying.

Walkway Cargo Area Officer Quarters Engineering WIP

From left to right: Walkway above the hangar, cargo area near the forward auxiliary ship controls, portside officers quarters, and the WIP Engineering section renovations.

Exit Ramp Auxiliary Ship Controls Axial Laser (Inside) Crew Quarters

From left to right: The exit ramp at the bottom of the ship, auxiliary ship controls, the axial laser and its console, and the crew quarters.

So that’s the majority of the ship. There are a few more areas and things I could go over, but I’d rather save those for another time. Things like the landing gears and the far back area of the engineering section are always subject to change, especially with how quickly they were built.

Prinz Heinrich

I hope this tour of the Prinz Heinrich was interesting.

I’m trying to reduce the number of mods the Heinrich needs to both look and function as intended so I’ll make a complete list of the mods involved when I’ve got more time and I’m closer to finalizing the ship.

Next up is the BF-109 Messerschmitt reimagined as a Cosmo Fighter from Space Battleship Yamato.

Messerschmitt WIP

I built this from scratch last night so this could be my fastest build ever if I stick with the general design. The picture below is the model it’s based on, but I decided to go my own way in a few areas since I’m not making a Cosmo Falcon; I’m making a Cosmo Messerschmitt.

For an idea of the scale.

She’s armed with plasma accelerators and some ridiculous/cool torpedo launcher Akiad came up with. For standard armaments across all the models, I think those work just fine. A scout variant might ditch the torpedoes, but in general these will have more weapons, not less. I’m just glad the Heinrich’s external connectors can easily accommodate these large fighters.

Like I said, the fighter’s base model still needs a lot of work, but for idle building, she’s coming along great. I’m seriously considering going for something more conventional for the tailfin unfortunately. The shape is nice but I think even a subgrid with some finagling to get some of the same angles would be a better idea at this point. I would have leaped at the chance to try that if subgrids didn’t make gameplay exponentially more complicated. I just figured since I used subgrids for the landing gears it should be on the table; in for a penny, in for a pound. We’ll see.

I’m thinking I might flatten out the nose to more closely match the cosmo falcon’s shape but for now I’m mostly satisfied with its appearance. It’s just the tailfin and some landing gear issues I need to work out. After that I might try to change a few things since I don’t have to worry about cramming this thing into the Heinrich’s hangar. Any ship that houses these internally is going to have to need 9×7 blocks of clearance at the bear minimum. I could make a ‘carrier’ version with folding wings but there area few issues I’d have to work through first and for now I just want a base version to work off of. Finishing that comes before making any specialized carrier equipment for them.


With that, we’re done for now. That’s the Prinz Heinrich and the Cosmo Messerschmitt, both works in progress, but further along than I would have expected a month ago. Thanks for reading.



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