The Map’s not ready for an actual preview just yet, but progress on the terrain (mainly the peaks) is looking good and I should be able to make my deadline (the 23rd). More importantly, I’m starting to pick up some new knowledge and skills while working on this.
People have been saying you should make tutorials for things you just figured out, but I’ve always been reluctant, personally. Usually because I have a habit of taking the long road and if I’ve got a quick and easy method, I picked it up from someone else ten minutes ago. I might as well point you to them.
That’s been the reasoning for some years now, at least. Now I’m thinking more along the lines of: Oh hey, I could put more stuff on the site!
Making any kind of information available is work so once I figure out what I’m doing I’ll definitely start putting some photoshop information up on the blog.
Anyway, just a small update for today.