The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

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Begin (2024)

2023 ended weirdly abruptly for me, but I got the shot in the arm I needed in order to hit the ground running in 2024. This year's going to be absolutely crazy, but for me personally, I feel my worst years are finally behind me. I'm ready to stop drowning in a sea of...

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Expanding Kaiser Lore

One of the most annoying things about fleshing out these World War II inspired factions is that there isn't enough territory in the setting to go around. I mean we've got America, the UK, Germany, France, Japan, etcetera. There are only a handful of habitable worlds,...

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Thumbnails Finished

The thumbnails for the Admiral Hipper, Cosmo Messer F2, and the KM-3s missile are finished. A bit rushed but they all look decent enough, especially the F2. Have a look. I also squished the frames a little to give the subjects more screen space. Once again, I think...

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Cosmo Messer F2 Progress

It's pretty much finished. Unfortunately there are still some workshop related things I need to do and I don't quite have enough time for all of that tonight. Hopefully I'll have it sorted by tomorrow or sometime in the middle of the week, but if not, next weekend at...

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Steady as She Goes

by | Nov 23, 2021 | Aeon, Artwork, FV, Journal, LGT

Zavodia Map

I’m not worried about finishing the next phase of this one, even though I had to start over on a few parts and do a few experiments. The terrain textures should look a lot better as a result. I’m surprised it’s come to this but I’m actually a bit more worried about the coloring portion of this than anything else. With a few thousand passes I’m sure I can make the textures work, but colors aren’t my strong suite. Never have been, probably never will be. We’ll see.

Sorry, no screenshots just yet.

Artorius Outline

This is a story I’ve wanted to write ever since a forum RP I was in some time ago ended. While I’d like to call it an adaptation of that, it’s mostly just inspired with some character arcs (as well as actual characters) brought over almost as is. Since it’s not the same story, only containing some of the same character relationships and developments, coming up with a place for it in the Aeon setting was pretty tough.

Even now I’m trying to make sure everything will make sense and I have a proper outline before I start writing it again. One important thing I figured out today that didn’t need as much explanation in the original story (that old RP) was how one of the protagonists gets their hands on so much firepower by around the mid-point. I figured that out finally, but that’s about all I can say about it right now. I only say that to say that the outline progress on this story as a whole is coming along well.

Will I have it done and be able to start writing again in December (or more likely next year)? I don’t know, but I’m not ignoring any of my November goals.

Frame Ops

The Frame Ops outline is more slow going, but fortunately for me, I already know everything that’s supposed to happen in this story. I’m just having trouble organizing it and trying to tie everything together. There’s also a casting issue I need to settle on. Too many characters from the original idea are still around so I need to decide how to combine the best of them and then make sure their character arcs still work. It’s a pain and I know for certain I won’t be able to start writing this one again in December, but it’s important to get this outline in particular finished. Frame Ops is important because it’s not just another story that’ll be going on the site when it’s good enough to read.

Lydia’s Golden Treasury: Emancipating Blade

The outline for this one is nearly finished and I’ll be starting on the actual writing portion this week for certain. With each chapter I like to showcase a different aspect of Enya’s job, or how Lydia’s estate and her people actually do business, both internally and with outsiders. Emancipating Blade won’t be any different, and this one should be just as tense at certain points as Atoning Mirror. Maybe more so, actually. I really had fun coming up with the main conflict for this one so I hope it’s a good read, even in 1st draft form.

Fleeing Victory #11-12

I’m aiming to have these finished by the end of this week, but Emancipating Blade could push #12 back to near my deadline. It just depends on how I try to tackle these.

That’s all for tonight.


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Begin (2024)

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Yamato Progress

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