The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

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Wrapping Up November, Staring Down December

by | Nov 30, 2021 | Aeon, Frame Ops, FV, Journal, LGT, Pinned

I’m spent. Nothing else is getting done today, and believe me, I tried. My mind is just spent after yesterday.

Results for November:

  • LGT: Emancipating Blade 1st Draft
  • FV#s 7-12
  • Zavodia Map: Finish base terrain
  • Aeon Economic Research
  • Frame Ops Main Outline
  • Artorius Outline

I  nearly sabotaged myself with the Zavodia Map goal. When I updated the goals in a more recent post, I was focused on the mountain peaks, but the original goal was about the base terrain only, not the mountains. Since the original goal is what I count, not misinterpretations further down the line, this goal was met. It’s just too bad the base terrain was never supposed to look pretty on its own.

It’s funny nearly writing off a goal and then realizing you already did it. I’ll try to get a map update this week once I’m further along.

Where I completely dropped the ball was with Aeon’s Economic Research. There wasn’t even a modest attempt to cover that one this month. Going forward I’m considering not having more than four separate goals lined up. There are four weeks and some change in a month, so four unique goals makes the most sense to me.

I got close to outlining Artorius but with the way the story was set up initially, there are a lot of events that can be shuffled around all over the place. Settling on a specific order when I wasn’t planning on getting back to writing the story this month wasn’t the best idea. More over, Aeon’s Economy and the Artorius story are closely related. There was enough overlap due to the story that not finishing one was going to hamper the other. At least with Frame Ops, the way the Jovian economy functions doesn’t directly impact anything, at least not noticeably. With Artorius, the economy is in your face. That’s part of the reason I made it one of my November goals. I need to rethink that one.

With that, it’s time for the next list.

Goals for December:

  • LGT: Chapter 4 (The planned chapters are being reordered so no official title yet)
  • FV#s 13-15
  • Zavodia Map: Water Paths (Includes lakes, rivers, etc)
  • Two Blog Articles (I’ll explain this more in a subsequent post)

That’s all for now.


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