The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

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Clan Battles: Pure Fun

by | Apr 3, 2022 | Blog, WoWs


I got a lot of good material, and we were 9/5 on wins and losses. I finally scraped together enough xp to get the Daring, so that sidequest is finally finished. Not to mention, it was a fun night. 10/10, even with the lack of sleep today.

Here’s my best highlight:

(I have to stop recording at such a high resolution; these things are a pain to work with …)

Ships used:

  • Bourgogne
  • Shimakaze
  • Daring
  • Smolensk
  • Yoshino B


I only played this for one match, and I think I got away with more nonsense than I should have. The team was trying a hard B to A push on Crash Zone Alpha; the enemy team countered us hard positionally, but we still outfought them. I also swung around to grab C as things were winding down, just to make sure we were secure no matter what happened. C rightfully belonged to us anyhow.


I didn’t get to do actual testing on Daring. This was an all DD comp with another hard B to A push that didn’t leave much room for figuring out the boat’s quirks in a ‘normal’ situation. So far I’m liking the Daring. It’s a nice balance of guns and torpedoes, though I’m not used to single launched yet.


She’s definitely my favorite cruiser at the tier. Basically an Azuma with torpedoes. It’s also really nice when you can get those 9-10k HE salvos. Mean but justified with all the radar cruisers roaming around.


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