The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

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Halo: The Fall of Halsey

by | Apr 20, 2022 | Blog, Books, Halo

I find it a little funny that I’m reading Halo The Fall of Reach while the Halo tv show is airing. It could be more than just a coincidence; even ignoring the show for the most part, it could have easily influenced my book choice without me realizing it.

Anyway, it’s funny to me because that show is getting a lot of complaints, and the ones I’ve heard make plenty of sense. One complaint in particular concerns Dr. Halsey, and it’s disturbing to say the least. She’s one of the more interesting characters in the Halo universe due to her unique place in the overarching story, responsibility and history with the Spartans, personality and outlook, and more.

In Halo Fall of Reach, she’s grounded and borderline empathetic toward the Spartans in making, feeling responsible for them and the procedures and hardships she has to put them through. In the show, she’s an unrepentant, narcistic war criminal. Halsey’s always been a bit cold in her portrayals in the games, but that’s because she doesn’t wear her heart on her sleeve. She does unethical things, but she doesn’t enjoy one fleeting second of it, and as much as she tries to distance herself from the spartans emotionally, her sense of responsibility–and perhaps a little maternal instinct–have her constantly stepping out of her role as the Spartan II Project’s head and into those of the Spartans’ guardian.

I won’t say it’s cute, but on multiple occasions she calls them ‘her spartans.’ I will say this, though. It’s endearing. It’s endearing watching someone committing unethical acts for some supposed greater good becoming more and more concerned with the wellbeing of their test subjects.

I haven’t seen the tv show in its entirety (that’s starting to sound like an impossibly tall order), but the scenes with Halsey in them are disgusting and the contrast between the two versions of ‘Dr. Halsey’ is bizarre to me.

I really hope no newcomers to the Halo franchise are getting their start here. This isn’t the first impression of Dr. Halsey–or any of the characters–that anyone needs. Grab a book, any book, just don’t let this show that’s clearly taking more than its fair share of liberties with the lore, technology, and characters of the Halo universe, inform you about them.

I have no idea why 90% of live action adaptations of video games ruin so much for so little, but I’m punctuating this post with a sigh, because this is the perfect example of that 90%. I guess this case with Halo just hits harder than most because it’s a much bigger series, with clearer rules, lore, and better defined characters.

This show could have been interesting, but the more scenes I peek in on, the less interested I become.

I’m going back to my book.


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