The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

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Clan Battles and Other Ships

by | Dec 19, 2021 | Journal, Space Engineers, WoWs

Clan Battles

As of this writing I still owe 90 sit ups–more on that in a moment.

Bourgogne’s still working pretty well for me. I get far, far better damage numbers than in Yamato, though my survival rate is down. Part of the problem is that we haven’t quite figured out where the ship excels, yet.

North in particular is a map I despise in the ship because Bourgogne’s shot arcs can barely make it over most islands–North is nothing but islands and most of them are three to five times taller than normal. Yamato has the range to compensate by sitting farther back or sitting around mid near the spawn area. In Bourgogne I have to focus solely on other backline battle ships sitting around where a Yamato might be–assuming there’s anyone sitting that far back … oooor push in recklessly and hope for the best.

Thankfully, I got more contested cap assignments as the problem became more apparent, but this is definitely an area where Bourgogne’s less effective than Yamato.

As for those sit ups I’ll be tending to after this, myself and at least one other clan mate decided to do certain exercises depending on wins and losses.

For mine, it’s 20 push ups on wins and 60 sit ups on losses. I only got in half my loss quota before the last match, and since we lost that match, I owe another 60.

I don’t like sitting down all the time, so working in some mandatory exercises between matches felt like a good idea. It’s just tricky to fit them in when you’re in a hurry to get to the next match.

Space Engineers

I made some progress on the final tweaks to the Prinz Heinrich before Clan Battles started. Not all the consoles are programmed yet, and I’m still having trouble finding a solution to manually controlling the turrets. More on that in a minute. There’s also the issue of the paint job. It’s not bad but it’s not great, either. That’s not likely to change before the tour video though, so it just is what it is for now.

As for the consoles, only the bridge controls and the hangar controls are fully programmed. Random button panels and the like around the ship were mostly left as is. They’re not going to be needed for any demonstrations and I’m contemplating a few long term ideas for them so they’re staying as is for now.

Now about the turrets. Manual control with Weaponcore has one little problem that’s hard to get around if the seat controlling them has a wall or a window in front of it. The turrets try to aim where the controlling character’s camera is pointing, which is always going to be at the wall/window in front of it. The only smart thing it does is target ships that are highlighted by the target reticle. That’s when they start aiming properly again. Just aiming them into space is a bad idea, though. They’ll swing around to try and target the grid blocks between them and the controller.

It’s dumb but I couldn’t come up with a work around in the time I had.

I’m still on track for having that video out tomorrow, but I fully expect more problems, especially when it’s time to start slapping together footage and getting the tour video up on youtube. Monday’s going to be interesting. Worse case scenario I’ll have plenty of screenshots for the blog post. I just think something like this warrants a video, too.

That’s all for tonight.


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