The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

M.A.S.S. Builder: New Accessories Preview

M.A.S.S. Builder: New Accessories Preview

More accessories are always good. Hopefully with more bare bones weapon bases we’ll be able to create or recreate some very interesting weapons.

Vermillion also made an interesting point about the types of accessories we’ll be able to use. Since a lot of these look like base weapon muzzles and the like, we could make M.A.S.S. units with extras or holstered weapons sticking out of various areas. I’m personally more likely to just tweak the size and shape of an otherwise vanilla-esque weapon and leave it at that.

I’m expecting some people to add extra barrels to one weapon, create a dual wielding look, or maybe even both. There are even some claw-esque bits coming~

Maybe SAI

I guess all the Adobe apps can’t be good fits. I’m having a few technical issues with Fresco that I’m not sure are even worth solving. We’ll see, but it’s starting to get on my nerves; I’ve been doing research instead of drawing, which is never a good thing. I might give SAI or something similar a try.

Two Books?

I mentioned it before but I haven’t been reading Dune everyday and I’m nowhere close to finishing it. Even today has been more of a ‘figure out Fresco’ day. Unless I take two or three days to focus solely on reading, I won’t catch up enough to finish by August. That really only matters because I want to read at least one novel a month, at the very least start a new one each month. Dune doesn’t ready quite like what I’m used to so I’m slower with it on top of everything else.

Either way, I don’t like the idea of speeding through a good story just to meet a deadline. I do this for fun as much as for consistency. So that leaves me with one prevailing thought: two books? That does sound like a bit of a choking hazard, but this 12 books a year goal is completely doable and I don’t want to let it go by the wayside if I can help it. I’d rather just tackle both books at the same time and still round out the year with 12 reads. I can do that; as bogged down as I am I can do that.

Assuming I go this route, I haven’t decided on the next book yet. Probably something shorter. The Legacy of the Force books don’t look that long individually. Spice and Wolf Volume 2 is also an option.

Do it Yourself

The idea of having to go into the training room with specific sound settings just to record my own naval gun salvos is really annoying, but at the same time, I haven’t been able to find the sounds I want in an isolated state in either the game files, youtube videos, or sfx archives.

On the bright side, at least I’ll have my own sounds to fiddle around and experiment with. What was really jarring is that I couldn’t find naval artillery sounds for some of the older games I would have settled for, like Battlestations Pacific. Anyway, it’s just another hurdle to jump.

Small Update 7/19

Since nothing noteworthy happened today I’m just going to leave a few comments about what I’m hoping to get sorted by the end of the month.

Premiere Pro

I need more practice with video editing, so by late August I want to have at least a couple of new videos in the Video section. It’s not just going to be World of Warships replays. I’m branching out from here even if I have to reach a little. That portfolio’s not going to be built on gaming clips. Not exclusively.


This is one of the Adobe programs I’m trying out. It’s working with my stylus well enough, but there’s always a free alternative like SAi if I can’t get the results I want. I’m not too worried about that, though. By this weekend I’ll post whatever test art I’ve made.


Another Adobe program, a DAW I’m hoping I’ll have time to at least poke around in this week or next. I haven’t worked on music in ages and I’m not sure that will change any time soon, but if it does, it’ll have something to do with Audition. For now I’m just hoping to try it out and see if it’s the right fit for something down the road.

I can’t afford an illustrator, so it’s not like I can afford a composer, either.

Not yet~


Still reading through it and so far it’s really good. It’s nice to feel a certain way naturally and not be ramrodded toward it like in some kinds of media. It’s also nice to see the effort and I’ll be putting in just as much.

What I’m not sure on is whether I’ll be able to catch up and finish the book by the end of July. I’m only a third of the way through so things are only just starting to really heat up on Arrakis. I’m not sure if it’s better to let this month’s read stretch a bit into August by going at my own pace or pick a couple of days out to try and finish it on time.

A question for later, maybe.


That’s it for now. Let’s see how things look by this weekend.