The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

Weekly Shot of Inspiration

Don’t you hate it when the inspiration hits and hits hard and you can’t immediately act on it? I’m not sure why exactly, but this is what Friday evenings are like for me. As soon as the sun goes down, my mind just opens up.

Anyway, that’s enough whinging.

While I try to sort out Chapter 2 of LGT I’m going to start practicing with my XP-Pen again and possibly reconstruct the Admiral Hipper. If I do commit to a total rebuild, I probably won’t be able to enter the Xebon rebuild competition. I’m still probably going to convert that ship into a carrier sooner or later, just not by the competition’s deadline. I’ve got a much clearer and more ‘harmonious’ layout in mind for the Hipper hulls and want to implement it before my brain formats itself again.

As for the digital art, I’m not sure what I’ll try first. I might just find an art streamer I like and follow along for a few hours. We’ll see. Once I’ve got something I’ll show it off here. Might even make an art section to go along with the video section once I’ve got a good number of pieces.

Found It

I found the pens for my XP-Pen monitor. No idea where the glove went, but I’m sure it’ll turn up sooner or later. Now I just have to break into Adobe Illustrator. I’m sure something like SAi would be better for someone at my skill level, but Illustrator comes with my Adobe subscription, so I’d rather not let that value go to waste, even if there’s a bigger learning curve starting out.

Now I just need to work this into my ‘schedule.’ Good luck, me.

Clan Battles 7/6

That was a lot more fun than usual, even though we came just barely shy of breaking even. 8/9 if my count’s right. Still, there were at least five games that I need to have recorded by next update (this coming Wednesday I think). This is getting out of hand. I’m going to have to start deleting old recordings soon.

Here’s the breakdown for today; which ship I played and the outcome of the match:

  • Des Moines Win
  • Des Moines Win
  • Des Moines Win
  • Des Moines Win
  • Des Moines Loss
  • Shimakaze Loss
  • Shimakaze Loss
  • Shimakaze Loss
  • Shimakaze Win
  • Großer Kurfürst Loss
  • Des Moines Win
  • Des Moines Loss
  • Rotated Out Win
  • Des Moines Loss
  • Des Moines Loss
  • Shimakaze Win
  • Shimakaze Loss

Momentum is a fickle mistress …

In other news, supposedly we’ll finally be getting a Tier 8 season of Clan Battles.

Now THAT is going to be fun. Most of my favorite ships are at that tier. Definitely looking forward to that after the break.

Taking Notes

Without getting into too much detail–or any detail actually, I’ve gotten back to note taking. Lots and lots of note taking, mainly for JavaScript and a few other website related things. It’s not going to be important until late in the year probably, but want to really know all of this info and not just have it jotted down somewhere. At some point I want to do something major with it, like maybe building another site from scratch, or tweaking P.R. Something like that.

Again, this won’t be important until later; I’ve got enough on my plate already. I’m just glad I’ve got Visual Studio Code for keeping this mess somewhat organized. Until things start to get more predictable around here I’ll just be writing it all down.

Happy Independence Day

Times could definitely be better, but there’s plenty of good news here and there.

Space Engineers

I wanted to finish with the Cosmo Messer workshop upload yesterday and post about it then, but I saw an opportunity to swap my old desk for a new one and that took longer than I thought it would. It was around midnight before I was even close to finished and by that point, sleep was beckoning.

It was just as well since I managed to fix a couple more tiny issues. The upload’s not perfect. I didn’t get to use the same presentation as I did in the blog post since I don’t know how Steam’s text formatting works just yet, but it’s fine. The more of these I do, the closer I’ll get to a standard look. After that, I’ll be golden.

Lydia’s Golden Treasury

I don’t know why I thought an extra few days would be enough to finish the entire 1st draft. There was too much going on for me to even get any good progress in. I’m pretty annoyed with myself for that one on both counts (failing my deadline and setting a bad one to begin with).

While I’m on the subject, I want to mention that one thing that used to help me get a lot of writing done really quickly was ‘accompanying art.’ I’ve made it pretty far on imagination alone, but I’m getting bogged down on a lot of fronts, now. It’s only areas that have visuals baked in already (see Space Engineers for a prime example), where I’m consistently making progress on anything.

So …

I think it’s time got back to doing my own artwork. It’s going to slow me down overall, but my writing projects are far more important than my gaming projects, and right now, they need some helpful content to go along with them.


Anyway, that’s all for now, and once again, Happy Independence Day!