At the rate things are going I should have chapter 2’s first draft finished in June. The editing sessions should start again after that and I should have a good workflow established again.
Artorius and Remnants
Right now I’m in the most boring phase of both of these projects: Plotting. It’s going to be easier with Artorius since I already have the general story and events figured out, it’s just filling in the details, figuring out which characters need the most focus, what the story is really all about at its core, etc.
Remnants is trickier because it’s based on some loose ideas and isn’t quite the adaptation that Artorius is. I did figure out something important, though; the hierarchy of entities this setting and its characters are bound to. While it’s not the focus of the main Remnants story I’m working on, there’s a lot I can do with this setting in the future just based on that hierarchy alone.
I hate to be vague but I don’t like getting into specifics this early. It’s just not a good idea.
The Last Command
I was going to start Dune in June, but I’ve got an overwhelming urge to read The Last Command. Dark Force Rising does a really good job of psyching you up for the next entry, even if you’ve ready both previously.
So even though I don’t normally do it like this, I’ll be reading The Last Command next and then Dune in July. No idea after that. I’ve still got some searching to do.
Space Engineers
If I can’t figure out a good look for the Cosmo Messer thumbnail in a few days, I’ll just make a placeholder. I’ve been held back long enough and that upload needs to get done so I can really start focusing on other things.
Also, the Admiral Hipper’s very close to finished. I just have streamline some things, finally settle on what ships the Hipper is and isn’t going to run, and finish programming all the cockpits with the relevant functions. It’s a lot, but if I knew exactly what I was doing I could knock it all out in about six hours.
Since I don’t know what I’m doing, it’ll take considerably longer than that. Probably a few more weeks. That said, I’m tempted to start working on one of the sister ships. Making major hull and layout changes always helped me get insight into prior designs, so it’s not a bad idea for trying to improve the Hipper. It’s just a bit risky since, like with the Cosmo Messer, the more you fiddle with the design, the more you wind up wanting to make broader and bigger changes. It gets out of hand really quickly.
As a general rule, once I start on a sister ship, I’ll make a rule to not make anymore layout changes to the original. Moving furniture around or rearranging a room is one thing. Moving large components around is basically a refit. No refits.
That should be it for now. I’ll do a follow up to this post if something else comes to mind.
Tonight’s CBs went ‘okay’ but they definitely could have gone better. This is the META theorycrafting phase of CBs and it really shows. We definitely had some good games, though.
It’s also a little weird having to call more and more often these days. That’s what I get for always showing up and committing to the time slot.
Bourgogne is Back
I used Bourgogne exclusively for the last half of Clan Battles tonight, and I think it was the right choice. Battleship compositions are leaning heavily toward tanking, so we’re seeing a lot of GKs and Kremlins.
The reason I picked Bourgogne over Satsuma (and later Yamato), is because the former can change flanks within a couple of minutes and can quickly finish off DDs or broadside cruisers. Satsuma and Yamato have minor issues with anti-cruiser work and major issues with fighting DDs in general.
Satsuma vs Yamato
I got some hilariously bad Satsuma games tonight (not necessarily losses, just games where my contributions were next to worthless). That’s got me wondering whether Yamato isn’t a better choice than Satsuma. Not just because of the extra gun, either.
To start, Satsuma’s supership ‘gimmick’ is the fire adjustment mechanic. It lowers shell dispersion significantly for a brief window. Sounds great, but I personally can’t stand this consumable. It builds up a charge with each salvo that depletes over time. Even when the charge is full and ready to activate, it will drain to zero instantly if it isn’t used quickly enough. My issue with this is that the neither the build up speed nor the charge ‘holding’ time are very forgiving. It punishes you for not firing constantly, which with a ship that relies on enemies giving broadside, is extremely annoying once you start to notice how it affects your play. It’s best to ignore the mechanic entirely until the stars align.
I’m sure this works out fine in randoms, but in Clan Battles, where every cruiser is keeping a close eye on where the enemy battleship is and angling accordingly, there’s rarely an opportunity to activate the consumable and score good hits with it. Couple this with all the anchored Russian radar cruisers and Satsuma’s tendency to overpen and most games I’m lucky to break 50k damage.
Yamato on the other hand, scores far fewer overpens on the same targets due to having smaller caliber guns and more of them. I’m also using the legendary mod, so Yamato’s dispersion is better than Satsuma’s out of the gate. The ship itself is also smaller, which definitely makes a difference when the occasional Shimakaze or Yueyang sneak close enough for torpedoes.
For now I’m going to keep Satsuma in port and rely on my usual BB picks, Yamato and Bourgogne, but once I figure out this particular supership, I might give her another go. I’ve also got my credits to think about; Satsuma’s not really for earning, just wanton destruction.
Well, my preview plugin isn’t working properly at the moment, so we’ll do this the old fashioned way.
I’ve always been a picky about the proportions of monsters with wings. Nine times out of ten the wings just feel too small compared to the rest of the creature. That may technically be the case with this new quark design, but I still like it. I might just be used to how exaggerated quark proportions tend to be in key areas.
It also helps that this creature doesn’t have a stump for a tail. Who knew you could make ‘Johnny Bravo’ proportions look good on a monster.
Progress Update
Now, to the part of where we talk about the progress of 0.9.0. To tell you frankly, we don’t know when the update is coming out ourselves, but we do have a certain date we’ll not cross. Why is it like this? Are things not going according to plan? Honestly, no, things are still going on as planned and there’s been no hurdles we did not expected, but it’s a workload that’s more than we first estimated.
It’s the multiplayer, isn’t it?
See, developing multiplayer modes mean-
See, developing multiplayer modes mean we need to revisit every part of the game and see how are we going to apply it into multiplayer. That means we look at each calculation, each area of development that we’ve done up until 0.8.0, and see how well it will translate into multiplayer. Calculations that were done in client must now be moved to server, things like that. And without knowing, the game has grown to an extreme proportions we did not expect it to be, so it took a lot of time to go over everything. Then we apply everything into the new mode, basically a new game in itself while borrowing assets from the old game. That’s how we ended up with almost 5 months of development without an expected release date yet.
But looking at everything, the time taken there is not wasted, as it provides more time for other parts of our team to work on some other things, like the Quarks being shown here in this week’s WIP. We kindly ask that you give us more time, and if there are still any concerns or question regarding M.A.S.S. Builder’s development, come and talk to our developer representative inside our Discord linked below!
It’s fine, really. They’re keeping us up to date and doing it weekly. Without fail. That’s way more than most dev teams seem inclined to do.
It’s pretty easy for me to be patient, though. Having more on your plate than you have time for definitely helps.
FEE’s content always feels way more relevant to me than it should be. This video practically sums up what I’m about as a creative.
I don’t know when it happened exactly, but “Showing the world as it is” went from being an explanation for why some art and media are so gritty, to just being a throw away line for depressed, immoral, Malthusian apes and other crazy people to heap tons of demoralizing crap in our faces.
We Know
Trust me, we all know how twisted, myopic, selfish, and jaw droppingly cruel people can be. Cramming that singular idea and nothing else down people’s throats is pushing our collective worldview squarely into the negative, and making us more susceptible to some of the worst, most evil ideas imaginable.
I’ve personally known several people–I’m sure you have, too, people thinking they’ve got some great insight into mankind, casually promoting the widespread destruction of millions of people. You know, the inconvenient, disagreeable people. Whomever they happen to be.
That sounds eerily familiar, doesn’t it?
Look at all of these people.
Each of them is slowly being conditioned to see the others as statistics at best, and an active, existential problem that needs dealing with at worst. That’s where the media is pushing us. It’s past time to turn around.
What To Do?
That other tangent has been brought up a million times by far more adroit people than me; I’m mainly interested in FEE’s suggestion of how to push back against all of that negativity, nihilism, and assorted Malthusian garbage.
It’s been said a lot in recent years, and I’m repeating it here: Make your own media.
That’s the way forward now.
FEE pointed out that it was bad writing that makes morally principled, virtuous, and unshakably upbeat characters boring, and they’re absolutely right. It’s far easier to write a morally gray or detestable character your audience will find interesting than the aforementioned.
The people responsible for modern entertainment in the west are in their element and they’re not coming out of it. That means anyone else with the means and the will all have an opportunity to step up and offer something different.
Thankfully, that movement has been underway for years already.
My Part
I’m also one of those people, but I’m starting out alone, so it’ll be a while before I’ve got enough content and connections to make any sort of meaningful impact on … well, anything. That’s okay. I know who I am and what I’m about. That alone keeps me going.
FEE’s latest video was a good reminder to me of at least part of what I’m trying to do, not to mention some of the reasons why.
Media is getting uglier and uglier, and too often it’s for the sake of morbid curiosity, political activism, or for the sake of ugliness itself. Trying to steer clear of that takes some inner discipline; I’m pretty cynical and worn down myself, so it’s not like this demoralized view of humanity doesn’t resonate with me at all.
It’s just one-sided and demonstrably wrong.
So for my part, I take on the challenge of following my principles while creating anything and everything I can. I want to show the world as it truly is. The Good, the Beautiful, and the True, not this thinly veiled societal sabotage.
On that note, I want to mention Lydia’s Golden Treasury. Chapter 2: The Lyre of Binding, is going to be a very good prelude to The Atoning Mirror, and more and more I’m glad I decided to rearrange the chapters the way I’m doing. Recently, I felt like Enya’s internal struggle in The Atoning Mirror, while foreshadowed, still happened too quickly in the overall story. The new preceding chapter will delve into her past and help bring her desires and goals to the forefront ahead of time.
Enya is one of those morally upright characters FEE mentioned, though she leans sharply toward the goody two-shoes end of the spectrum. It’s important to make her story interesting without putting a gun in her hand or having her physically or figuratively shove someone to their doom. It’s not just her, either. Lydia’s Golden Treasury is full of virtuous people: Lydia, Irving, Haul, Ishmael, etc. They all warrant that same treatment.
“The Good, the Beautiful, and the True.”
I keep that phrase close to my heart, and I want to check all of those boxes with each story I craft. Won’t be easy. Won’t even necessarily be fun half the time, but I must create. That’s been my drive since I was little, and it’ll be my drive forever. I’m going to get distracted, held back, attacked eventually, and more, but I must create.
The update actually happened last night (Every Wednesday), but I was too worn out from Clan Battles to really dive into that.
I played CBs again today so I’m still a bit too tired, but I can at least give it its own post.
Sadly I didn’t manage to roll The Delta Plus just yet, but I’m not going to worry about it for now. Absolute worse case scenario: I have to buy it from the shop in a few months. So it’s not a big deal. I’m just glad to see it in the game.
Of course that means there are some truly insane suits from Gundam Unicorn right around the corner.