The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

Es Ist Verboten!

Es Ist Verboten!

Most of today was spent finishing up the Cosmo Messer’s interior layout and getting its specs written up for the workshop. Still on track to have that done this week.

As much as I hate to say it, I’m FORBIDDEN from making any design changes between now and release. Typos in the documentation and the like can be fixed, but any functional deficiencies in the current E model are going to be ‘known flaws’ or something to that effect.

As for what I was doing the rest of the time. Mainly just trying to stay alive. It’s still ridiculously hot and stuffy around my workspace and it’s only going to get worse until around September.

As for Lydia’s Golden Treasury, that’s still my focus for the rest of the week. Updates on that will come when they come.

Space Engineers: Unlimited Tweaks

The Cosmo Messer’s a real pain to try to ‘finish.’

So here we are, right where I was afraid things would wind up if I committed to optimizing the interior.

It looks a lot bigger on the inside than on the outside doesn’t it?

Half of the interior’s already been taken out in this picture but I’m going to redo all of the piping, battery, gyro, and thruster placements to try to get the most out of the space that’s in here. Hopefully it’ll be enough.

Unfortunately this means I’m going to have to scrap the RAH fighters since they’re about to be horribly out of date, but that’s a problem for when it’s time to decide how to present the Hipper.

Getting Back to Work

I’m in about the same place I was Thursday (playing whack-a-mole with minor headaches and hoping the nausea doesn’t come back), but I should at least be able to get some work done here and there. For now I’m prioritizing The Cosmo Messer and Lydia’s Golden Treasury, so that’s the goal for pretty much all of next week.

Woe to me for I must now hard commit to figuring out the dos and don’ts of workshop uploads.

Actually, a profound wave of sadness hit me today as I came across some information that made me realize just how bad a certain situation in the world is getting. It’s not easy to keep pressing forward knowing just how volatile things are right now, especially when virtually everyone is dead wrong about the reasons behind it. That’s all I’ll say about that, though.

M.A.S.S. Builder: Tuning the Interface for Multiplayer

This is looking nice, though it would be cool if the game’s HUD in general had an adjustable tint instead of the usual gray. It’s still got that Beta look to it.

As for the different nodes for PvE and PvP, I still approve. That’s probably a better way to keep things orderly, if not strictly balanced. It might take me some getting used to though. I only do PvP in games like GBO2 and WoWs and the stats aren’t separated like this.

I don’t know exactly when they’re going to release 0.9.0 but it’s going to be a huge event for the community. I’m going to have to have a few things ready to go by then so I can start doing more than just forwarding and commenting on these weekly updates.

Soon, etc.

Not Quite Yet

I’m almost in the clear, I think. Today it’s just nausea and that ever resurgent headache. Still, there’s naught else to add here since naught else is going on. This week is just an all around bust and I’m going to have to find a way to make up for it next week.

That’s assuming I’m better by then. I should be, but let’s wait and see.

With that, I’m taking another weekend.