The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

Overall a Good Night (World of Warships)

Overall a Good Night (World of Warships)

It wasn’t all good since we don’t quite have a solid approach to this ever-shifting META, but we at least have certain maps and ship combos figured out.

I really wasn’t expecting to be playing the GK and the Kremlin on a regular basis, but here we are.

I can’t seem to kick my old habit of immediately going back to normal view after taking a shot. I’m too used to being under torpedo attack, I guess. I can avoid it consciously but free look just doesn’t cross my mind naturally.

There was also progress on Proxima today. I’ll be focusing almost entirely on that tomorrow while looking into possible topics for that second article. There’s not a lot of time left for the water paths on the map so I’ll write that one off in a few days if I can’t think of anything else.

Anyway, that’s all for now. Overall a good night.

Found You! (World of Warships)

I finally found this track! Fat Saw 1 and 2 by Savva Dudin

I’ve been wondering what this song NoZoupForYou uses on his youtube videos was for over a year. I even asked him about it once but his comment sections are usually flooded with things related to the actual video. Go figure.

I knew I’d bump into it eventually, though. Just had to be patient.


Starting From Scratch (Space Engineers)

Just a brief post. I broke one of my rules playing Space Engineers yesterday. It’s a personal rule so I’ll spare you the details, but since I like accountability, I decided to delete the entire ship (Admiral Hipper) I was working on and start again from scratch. Thankfully, even when you screw something up–especially then–you learn or reinforce something important, even if you have to start over. So it’s not so bad.

That’s one of several reasons I didn’t post yesterday. I was in a hurry to get the new foundations in place and lost track of the time. Once it was late, I decided I would just post twice today and try to keep it interesting.

Right now my top priority is the Proxima chapter, so I’ll try to figure out what else to give a mention later today, probably after Clan Battles.

Stay on Target (December Goals)

There was a little more progress on the Chronicles of Proxima chapter today, but it’s going be at least several more days before the end is in sight.

I also need to poke around for inspiration for that second article. There’s still time to come up with something, so I won’t worry just yet.

The water paths on the map, though, I have no idea. I might just finish as much as I can the extremely tedious way. Looking back on it, that might have been worth it. My goal was to make the water paths, but I’m under no obligation to keep them. Anything and everything can be redone later. Worst case scenario this is just a really involved practice run.

I wish I’d thought of that sooner.

Anyway, I think that’s about it until the holidays wrap up.

Chapter 4 Underway (Lydia’s Golden Treasury)

The real work for The Chronicles of Proxima started today. This one’s going to be the most difficult to date since I haven’t had as much time to outline it. I’m actually not finished with that just yet, but I’ve gotten enough of the first half figured out to at least start writing. It’s going to be tough but I’ll get it done just like last time.

Right now my priority is making sure the chapter is reasonably self contained and on point. There are two topics the Chronicles of Proxima focuses on instead of the usual one, so there’s some balancing that’s needed. In short, the darker side of Lydia’s fame and fortune are beginning to come into focus and that’s going to be expounded on in the last four chapters, continuing form the third.

There isn’t much else going on right now, but I am feeling good about how the Heinrich article turned out. It’s not great by any stretch, and the video, being hastily put together isn’t that good either … but that’s why I’m feeling good about it. It wasn’t great but imagine how good these will be in the future after I’ve done a few dozen of them and buried some old hangups and bad habits? I’m looking forward to that.

I’ll try to fit the other article in somewhere before the end of the month, but I don’t even have a topic picked out yet. Proxima’s the highest priority right now.

Anyway, that’s all for now.