The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

I Forgot One Thing

Delayed onset muscle soreness. It wouldn’t have been so bad if I’d woken up sooner. Oh well. Now you know how my day’s been.

Oh, and in other news, apparently the Black Friday ships for 2021 were leaked by the Daily Bounce. I think that’s the site. Sadly, there is no Enterprise B, so at least until next year, I’m out of reasonable avenues for getting one of my favorite CVs. It’s just as well since they’re apparently doing Tier 10 Black Friday ships this year. Yoshino if the leaks are correct. I’m actually saving coal for Yoshino right now so if not for a few other concerns I’d be interested. This is bad timing though and I won’t be making any Black Friday purchases if this list is the final one. There are some good ships in there like Pommern and Loyang, but it’s just not worth it without Enterprise.

While I’m on the topic of WoWs, Clan Battles went surprisingly well. I think I play the game better when I’m not using a microphone. That doesn’t surprise me in the slightest to be honest, but now I’ve got a bit of evidence to back it up. Not everything went well. The first couple of matches were kind of bad on my end, but for someone trying to stay focused against lightheadedness and a random urge to sneeze, I think I adapted well. I could probably slap a couple of good clips together from the footage sometime in the future.

Also I’m going to do the next LGT editing post tomorrow. This will be #8 and just cover Irving’s song. That’s the last one until I finish the next chapter. It’s going to be a while before that’s finished since I’m multitasking across the board and haven’t quite made the shift to full morning work. We’re getting close, though. Whoever’s reading this, wish me luck, because this is a serious pain and an even more serious obstacle.

Feeling Under the Weather

This is why I don’t brag about never getting sick. While that’s almost true, I still have this random nasal issue that leaps out of the shadows every few months for one very long and unpleasant afternoon. Sadly it started late in the morning this time and brought a swift end to my work. Go figure, right? Well, at least I’ve got something to blog about, even if it’s not clan battles. On that note I still do plan to put up something for clan battles today … but just in case I don’t, at least this is here for my daily quota or whatever it’s supposed to be.

I should probably cancel on CB and go to bed, but that’s not really my style. Making a commitment and suffering through it is my style. As long as I can suppress these symptoms before we get started it should all work out just fine. I haven’t looked into an alternative to OBS Studio yet, but I’m still fiddling with my settings and getting better results. Maybe I won’t have to go that route after all. We’ll see. For now I’m just going to keep my mind clear and try not to sneeze the wrong way and wind up floored.

Schedule Shift

I wish I had something useful for today, some news about the ZAP project or something, but it’s just late enough now that if I put off my minimum daily post any longer, I’ll miss my deadline. Sometimes you just have days like that, but I’ll find something good for tomorrow. If nothing else, there’s Clan Battles to ‘report’ on. Today just didn’t work out because I fell asleep in the middle of the afternoon. I’m still shifting my sleep schedule around so I can start working more effectively, but it’s always taken me a week or just about to line things up just the way I want them. Currently, this is the night owl phase. It’s not my favorite phase; I’m a morning person. Anyway, here’s hoping I can get this done sooner rather than later. I don’t like days like this where keeping the blog active means rambling about nothing.

Mark It

Today has been a very interesting day. I don’t want to go into details right now since I haven’t finished gathering my thoughts, but I’ve made a few big moves that are important in the long term.

Also, regarding the last post, I’m pretty much set on using my old tried and true method over specialized programs. It’ll take longer, but I know I can get it done–and extremely quickly compared to not doing it at all. I think I’ll even show some of that process here on the blog after I get started.

Not So Bad

I can’t say much for today. I’m in the middle of a schedule shift to try and claw back as much of my mornings as I can get, but it usually takes a week or so to really stick.

In the meantime, while some other ideas cook in the back of my head, I’m taking another look at the Zavodia map and ways I can recreate a high-res version of it. I’m starting to lean heavily in favor of photoshop. There are a lot of programs out there that can make maps, but the only ‘program’ that ever got me anywhere close to the result I wanted was my own brain and using techniques thought up on the spot to get certain looks. It’s extremely tedious, but if I had just stuck to my guns, I could have finished it several times over by now. I guess that’s the lesson there. I need a better program, but not a specialized one.

Maybe the tedium isn’t so bad. After all, I’ve made the map twice already. I just need to do it a little bigger and a little better this time, with more thought to ‘variants’ for things like geopolitical layouts and the like.