The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

Current Projects

Chapter 2 1st Draft 30%

Remnants of the Elders

Yamato 60%
Hermes 5%
Yorktown 80%
Victorious 30%
Maya 5%
Blücher 70%
Prinz Eugen 10%
Seydlitz 85%
Lützow 10%
Magdeburg 5%
Prinz Heinrich 5%
Konigsberg 5%
Type 34 Destroyer 90%
Type 36 Destroyer 80%

In No Shape for PvP

Sundays, I don’t even know anymore. I had to skip Clan Battles again. This time it was a sneezing fit that lasted for about three hours. I’m not entirely sure I’m past it yet, but either way I’m down for the count. I’m in no shape for any kind of PvP today.

M.A.S.S. Builder: 3rd Anniversary AMA (Part 2)

Round 2 of the questions for Vermillion went up this morning. Since the questions were customization focused, it wasn’t even close to upbeat like last week’s. Basically, with a lot of unrealistic hopes and expectations coming their way, there were a lot of straight ‘no’s and self quotes from last year, more than enough to make this part of the AMA feel like a list of things that can’t be done, or won’t be done.

They didn’t shoot down any ideas I was personally holding out for, but the trend on this one was undoubtedly negative overall. Still, we’ve got a lot to look forward to after the game’s full release. There just isn’t much good news for this week. At least we know what definitely won’t be happening on the customization front.

Hipper Progress 9/16~

I’ve had some close calls with finalizing the Admiral Hipper, and I’m sure there’s a few more on the way before I’m ready to throw her up on the workshop, but all that’s really left to do now is do a few sweeps to lower the PCU and redundant blocks where possible, make one or two preview videos, finish the Cosmo Messer F (the fighter compliment), and up she goes.

On the Space Engineers front, I’ll be focusing on that and the Magdeburg for a while. The latter is coming together even faster than the Blücher, so I’m capitalizing on that. The ship’s exterior’s already been painted, even. Kind of nuts, given how long it took to finish the Hipper.

Projectile Effects (ARP)

I was looking into some options for projectile effects since the normal naval fire effect from World of Warships doesn’t quite fit Arpeggio. The old mods that add those shot trails aren’t up to date apparently, so I might have to figure out a way to add them myself, probably in after effects or something. That’s a bit advanced but I managed to do something similar on Premiere elements back in … what 2003? I was just making fun AMVs back then, but if I can get that kind of nonsense working again in either Premiere Pro or After Effects, I’ll be golden.

Clan Battles 9/14

It went well enough, though I was out for the last two matches getting dinner. I don’t remember if we were up or down on wins overall, but it was definitely 1 or 2 games in either direction. I vaguely remember having a couple of games worth recording before 11.9, so overall a good night.

Is It Finished?

Well, no, but that’s just because I never set a specific goal in mind or really thought about what a ‘finished Hipper’ actually looks like. I even gave the ship a new external paint scheme because the old one felt a bit … off, somehow.

Having said that, I’m definitely at a point where any changes I make to the ship that aren’t script or lcd related don’t really matter that much. So sometime this week I’m going to try to finish up the Cosmo Messer F and get some footage of it and the Hipper flying around together. I’d like to include the Blücher and/or the Magdeburg, but the former (in the background of the Hipper pic) isn’t even close to finished and the latter’s only just been laid down.

Another Skip

I planned to come in later than normal for Clan Battles, but I just don’t have the energy for pvp today. I’ll see how I’m feeling on Wednesday, but right now I’m trying to get ‘real life’ affairs in order and there are only a few things I can do to balance that kind of stress; World of Warships isn’t one of them.

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