The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

Current Projects

Chapter 2 1st Draft 30%

Remnants of the Elders

Yamato 60%
Hermes 5%
Yorktown 80%
Victorious 30%
Maya 5%
Blücher 70%
Prinz Eugen 10%
Seydlitz 85%
Lützow 10%
Magdeburg 5%
Prinz Heinrich 5%
Konigsberg 5%
Type 34 Destroyer 90%
Type 36 Destroyer 80%

Space Engineers: Hipper’s Workaround

I didn’t get to do something important today which is why I had time to work on the Admiral Hipper. So I’ve got mixed feelings floating around.

Anyway, the workaround I mentioned in the title is a solution to a fundamental problem my size 8 carousel hangar has. By the way, the merge block idea, while interesting, was ultimately abandoned. That means the riders won’t be able to be blueprinted with the ship itself (at least not all of them) and will need to come in a separate ‘package.’ As for the problem with the hangar, it has no connectors, so fighters can only ‘dock’ inside the ship. They can’t refuel there.

Now that all of Hipper’s heavy weapons have been moved to the front of the ship, I’ve got room for support facilities. This will hold for some of the other ships of the class, too. For Hipper though, she’ll have two connector docks just behind the hangar gate, right in front of the stern. I also added two walkways and an exit tunnel to reach those docks.

This is a picture from just prior to the installation of the aft door and the walkways inside the hangar. Everything still looks pretty much the same, but both sections are more navigable now.

Somehow the entire ship is just barely over 62k PCU. I wish I could lower it a bit more but I’ve already cut way more corners than I should have with the design, everything from completely omitting interior signage to replacing beds and cryo chambers with placeholders. I even removed two airlocks and swapped every vanilla hydrogen thruster on the ship (15 PCU each) for ‘Rex’ RCS hydrazine thrusters (8 PCU each).

Well, at least she looks good. Hipper can fight, too, though I doubt she could put up a strong solo fight against some of the ‘gun laden’ designs I’ve seen using the same weapon packs. (That’s what the 8-10 Riders are for) I’m working with some strict limits to keep the overall fleet reasonable in scale, so it’s fine.

End of Session 5/2

All I’ve done today is study JavaScript and record a few WoWs replays ahead of the next update. I’m a little tired, so there’s not much to mention for today. Aside from the WoWs recordings, all that’s coming to mind is the huge stack of notes I have piling up. I feel compelled to do something with those, but I’m not sure what just yet.

Tomorrow’s probably going to be pretty much the same, but I’ll still have something interesting whipped up by then.

Space Engineers: A Little More Work

This is my last ‘do whatever’ day for at least a few weeks so I decided to ram through some changes to the Hipper.

Some changes were minor, like moving nearly all of the programmable blocks to the data center or close to the systems they control. Other changes were enormous, like moving turrets Caeser (C/3rd) turret and Dora (D/4th) turret to the forward ventral hull, mirroring Anton and Bruno and concentrating all of Hipper’s main guns forward.

Pics in a day or two.

Overall? I like most of the changes and it’s a fresh look for the ship. My main goal was lowering her PCU cost wherever I could, so I did as much block deletion as shuffling things around. I only managed to shave off a couple thousand PCU, but 62k is better than just shy of 64k, I think.

I’ve also been steadily programming consoles and the like, making sure that eventually the Admiral Hipper will be fully functional and not just pretty to look at.

That’s all for now. Tomorrow is probably going to be me whining about JavaScript or something to that effect. We’ll see.

Space Engineers: Centrifuge Hangar?

What’s a Centrifuge Hangar?

This is just my name for it, as opposed to a ‘Carousel Hangar’ which is what I’m currently using on the Admiral Hipper. The two types are meant to accomplish the same thing, allowing for this type of plane storage:

There are 32 Cosmo Tigers on this thing

This is a centrifuge style hangar, with a big long cylindrical structure running through the middle. This sorting and storage unit is a lot more complicated than it looks, especially in the context of Space Engineers. Frankly, I don’t even know if something like this can be built both practically, and with any real stability.

Not that I didn’t try something similar myself.

My carousel style hangar looks similar from the outside, but it’s a lot simpler, and consequently, a lot more limiting.

The carousel set up here relies on two rotors at either end of a central column. They spin in opposite directions to give a stable clockwise or counter-clockwise spin to the whole assembly.

Connected to the central piece are four arms. Each arm has a rotor on the end that rotates the platforms the fighters use. They can maintain a specific orientation no matter where the column is in its rotation.

It looks great and it actually works for storing and sorting the fighters. Launching and recovery is also very simple and can be managed by just one operator (assuming the launching/landing fighters have pilots or AIs).

The problem with this system is its foundation. Assuming you’d want to put the carousel more amidships, you’d have a serious issue. There are only two ways around the carousel to any areas of a ship aft of it. You can either go above, below, or around it, or you can set up a retractable bridge to one of the four quadrants between the arms, IE: Even more moving parts to worry about.

For that reason, this carousel approach works best if it’s at the very back of the ship, right in front of the main drive.

The Alternative

The alternative to the carousel style is the centrifuge style. The upside to that approach is that you have a central column that never moves. You can use that to move people and material through the hangar without having to go around the whole thing. That means the ship doesn’t have to be as wide in this section, or you can save that extra space for other things. The downside is it’s a lot more complicated and has to be a lot bigger to work.


I tried building a centrifuge style hangar in my head a couple of times, and from what I can tell, the minimum for required special components for something potentially stable on a ship would be the following:

  • Control Panel
  • Control method (either scripts or a bunch of timer blocks)
  • 2 roughly circular outer tracks (additional or alternative inner tracks optional)
  • 8 wheels (1 at the front and back of each platform section)
  • 5 connectors or 5 merge blocks (4 on the ship and 1 ‘catcher’ on the subgrid or the inverse)(8 connectors works better for alignment)
  • 4 rotors for the platforms (8 might be more or less reliable)

This might not be the only way to do it, so let’s just call these ‘Phee’s Requirements,’ as I honestly have no idea how to implement something like this without a tracked system.

It’s not just curiosity that has me thinking about this. While my carousel hangar works just fine, I wouldn’t want to use it on a carrier since it would negatively impact the entire design of the ship. Like I said before, you have to go around the entire thing or build a retractable bridge to get around it. Having more of these exasperates the problem.

On a carrier this would be especially annoying, since it can only carry eight fighters. A carrier would need more than one carousel for a better compliment. While a carrier could use multiple stowing methods, I don’t really see the point.

That’s why the centrifuge approach is so interesting. I can’t say promising, but definitely interesting.

A Nightmare Scenario

As much as I like the idea of a centrifuge style hangar, it’s a complete nightmare scenario, both to build and to operate. Not to mention the whole thing might come out of alignment if you so much as look at it the wrong way.

A tracked system on a ship isn’t a subgrid that holds its own subgrids, not while it’s moving and completely disconnected. It’s an independent grid with its own subgrids, snuggly riding along the inside of another, much larger moving grid.

Engineers plan and Klang laughs.

That’s probably the moral of this story. The chances of this hangar ‘module’ becoming misaligned are high. The difficulty in programming the wheels it would need to move properly goes well beyond what I know how to do at present. The fighters a system like this is designed to carry would add so much weight to an inherently delicate system that it might not work at all if fully or unevenly loaded.

It really is a nightmare scenario.

Even so, I’m going to be looking into ways to fully replicate the Yamato’s rotating hangar bays. My carousel comes about halfway but can’t do what that hangar does. I don’t know if it’s possible, or even worth the PCU and block requirements, but it’s worth finding out one way or the other.


The tracked system might be a dead end, but the fact that I even thought of a way to make one at all reminds me that there’s a third option. There’s always a third option. There’s always a solution.

The goal isn’t to do something I think is impossible. I’m not out to prove anything. The goal is to replicate one of the more interesting aspects of the newer version of the Space Battleship Yamato.

M.A.S.S. Builder: Multiplayer Gameplay Testing

Just a small sneak peak of Vermillion’s multiplayer testing. For a team of six, they’re doing an awful lot awfully quickly. Here’s hoping they can get multiplayer working well in general, not just the PvP or PvE side of things but all across the board.

May Coming in Hard and Fast

May is going to be a lot crazier than I expected. I’m sensing a pattern here. I might have to put almost everything on hold. I’m looking at a possible internship if I can get my situation in order fast enough. It certainly beats what I’ve been doing. Because of that it’s shifting from my top priority to my only priority until I’ve got a better feel for things.

I’ll have to put a few things on hold for the next month or two, or only poke at them sparingly. That includes things like Fleeing Victory and the Space Engineers stuff.

The daily posts here will continue as always because of course they will. This isn’t hard anymore, it’s just overcoming my own nitpicks with what I’m writing about.

As for next month’s book, I haven’t decided yet but I’ve definitely narrowed it down. It’s either going to be Dark Force Rising or Dune.

GBO2: It’s Time

GBO2: It’s Time

GBO2: It’s Time

The RGZ-95 ReZEL has arrived at long last. Ever since mobile suits from Gundam Unicorn started showing up in the game, I’ve been waiting for this moment. Now that the ReZEL series has its first member in the GBO2 roster, the others aren’t far behind. I haven’t been this excited since the Zeta Plus series arrived.

As for the basic ReZEL itself, I’ve always liked this unit. I prefer the winged versions like the Command type or the Type Cs, but the basic unit is sleek, beautiful, and deadly. I always pictured the ReZEL as something we would come up with in the real world if we decided to build robots instead of planes. I’d say it’s the equivalent of an F-15A. (The RGZ-95C can be the F-15C).

Anyway, I was seriously blessed to get this thing for only 15 tokens. That means I can save the rest for the next ReZEL that shows up (or more likely the Delta Plus since that’s a very real possibility now, too). I’m betting the order will be: Commander type (Support) and then the Type C(GR) (Raid). That will nicely round things out … and then things will quickly get shaken up again as the Defenser variants show up.

Until then

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