The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

Current Projects

Chapter 2 1st Draft 30%

Remnants of the Elders

Yamato 60%
Hermes 5%
Yorktown 80%
Victorious 30%
Maya 5%
Blücher 70%
Prinz Eugen 10%
Seydlitz 85%
Lützow 10%
Magdeburg 5%
Prinz Heinrich 5%
Konigsberg 5%
Type 34 Destroyer 90%
Type 36 Destroyer 80%

Under Klang’s Watchful Gaze

Nothing major to report just yet, but I’m trying something extremely risky with merge blocks in my carousel landing plates.

As useful as the magnetic plates have been, landing with those is never going to be quite precise enough for rapid launch and retrieval. More importantly, I can’t blueprint the planes along with the ship unless they’re docked to it through either connectors or merge blocks. Since connectors are too thick for this, I’ve got to see if merge blocks will do the trick.

I’ve already had several close calls with random instabilities: from random shaking of the gate hinges to my avatar being dimensionally catapulted out of the ship and glitched all over the place. Still, if I can get this to work around 90% of the time it should be worth the occasional Klang.


On second thought, if the merge blocks don’t work out, I could try an unconveyored setup with connectors. That might give me just enough room to fit the planes and still be vertically symmetrical. We’ll see, but I’m going to gamble with the merge blocks first.

Halo: The Fall of Halsey

I find it a little funny that I’m reading Halo The Fall of Reach while the Halo tv show is airing. It could be more than just a coincidence; even ignoring the show for the most part, it could have easily influenced my book choice without me realizing it.

Anyway, it’s funny to me because that show is getting a lot of complaints, and the ones I’ve heard make plenty of sense. One complaint in particular concerns Dr. Halsey, and it’s disturbing to say the least. She’s one of the more interesting characters in the Halo universe due to her unique place in the overarching story, responsibility and history with the Spartans, personality and outlook, and more.

In Halo Fall of Reach, she’s grounded and borderline empathetic toward the Spartans in making, feeling responsible for them and the procedures and hardships she has to put them through. In the show, she’s an unrepentant, narcistic war criminal. Halsey’s always been a bit cold in her portrayals in the games, but that’s because she doesn’t wear her heart on her sleeve. She does unethical things, but she doesn’t enjoy one fleeting second of it, and as much as she tries to distance herself from the spartans emotionally, her sense of responsibility–and perhaps a little maternal instinct–have her constantly stepping out of her role as the Spartan II Project’s head and into those of the Spartans’ guardian.

I won’t say it’s cute, but on multiple occasions she calls them ‘her spartans.’ I will say this, though. It’s endearing. It’s endearing watching someone committing unethical acts for some supposed greater good becoming more and more concerned with the wellbeing of their test subjects.

I haven’t seen the tv show in its entirety (that’s starting to sound like an impossibly tall order), but the scenes with Halsey in them are disgusting and the contrast between the two versions of ‘Dr. Halsey’ is bizarre to me.

I really hope no newcomers to the Halo franchise are getting their start here. This isn’t the first impression of Dr. Halsey–or any of the characters–that anyone needs. Grab a book, any book, just don’t let this show that’s clearly taking more than its fair share of liberties with the lore, technology, and characters of the Halo universe, inform you about them.

I have no idea why 90% of live action adaptations of video games ruin so much for so little, but I’m punctuating this post with a sigh, because this is the perfect example of that 90%. I guess this case with Halo just hits harder than most because it’s a much bigger series, with clearer rules, lore, and better defined characters.

This show could have been interesting, but the more scenes I peek in on, the less interested I become.

I’m going back to my book.

We’re Riding

It’s a bit barren at the ground floor, but the Admiral Hipper‘s hangar is more or less finished.

Upper hangar
Mid hangar
Lower hangar

The new fighters are slightly modified Cosmo Messer Es. Official designation is BfC 109Er Rider. These are just variants configured for use on a capital ship that’s not a carrier. There are only a couple of visual differences besides the color scheme. Also, since fighters assigned to capital ships are all unique (due to relatively small numbers), these eight fighters are numbered both externally (on the tailfins) and internally (cockpit/antenna).

That was a little tedious, but I might do this with the remote blocks and any other blocks that could use a unique ID.

As for the carousel hangar, since it’s finished I’ll be trying to improve the design on future ships that use it, aiming to get as close to the Yamato’s hangar as I can. As for Admiral Hipper‘s version, this is the version she and all her sister ships–with the possible exception of Seydlitz/Weser–will be using. I can’t think of a reason to do any big or drastic changes between them.

And before I forget …

The exterior needs some finishing touches, as well as some final color scheme commitments, but she’s nearly finished. The major things left to do are mostly ‘programming’: Script options, Admiral Hipper‘s experimental response cues, filling out the consoles and button panels, things like that.

JavaScript: Let’s Go

I was too out of it yesterday to do anything, so I just took the L and went to bed. Today I’m diving into JavaScript, among other things, so that should be interesting. Interesting and completely out of my comfort zone.

I don’t know what I’ll post about it on here, exactly. I still haven’t gotten used to documenting the little things. Major progress is easy. “Hey look how far I’ve come! Isn’t this great?!” It’s hard to know what merits a post and what belongs inside a larger topic, though.

Anyway, P.R. is a good place to keep some of my notes, so I’ll wait and see how much material piles up.

Not so Easy

While I don’t use a laptop and would never wear a suit jacket or a pen at my desk, this definitely sums up my Sunday.

I have no earthly idea why the simpler my objective is, the harder it gets. Meanwhile, designing and implementing a ‘rotisserie hangar’ as one person on Steam called it, was not only easy, but I’ve been practically iterating on the design in my sleep.

I need a break from scripts. I’ve never wanted to set off a warhead inside my own ship’s data center so badly before.

I’ll be back with something interesting tomorrow.

M.A.S.S. Builder: Multiplayer Lobby Sneak Peek

This is a much needed preview. The multiplayer lobby may not have reached its final form just yet, but this portion’s well past my expectations.

I was expecting something more barebones, or at the very least completely unsaturated like the normal menus. I’m glad to see they’re planning to use colored panels to denote teams and whatnot.

Now to wait and see who and what shows up in these lobbies after 0.9.0 releases.

GBO2: Steam Network Test

This was a pleasant surprise when I first heard about it. I have mixed feelings about it coming to Steam after so long. I’m almost positive there’s no cross-play and therefore no data transferring between platforms. It’s the same mess I had to deal with having two versions of FGO all over again.

Maybe it’ll be worth it, though. I know way more people I could actually play with through Steam and Discord than I ever have on Playstation. We’ll see how this network test goes first, though.

Heh. Never underestimate your playerbase.

Well in general this was some good news I wanted to share since this is one of the few pvp games that can even hold my attention. It’s basically just this and World of Warships. They’re vaguely similar now that I think about it, both the good and the bad.

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