The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

Current Projects

Chapter 2 1st Draft 30%

Remnants of the Elders

Yamato 60%
Hermes 5%
Yorktown 80%
Victorious 30%
Maya 5%
Blücher 70%
Prinz Eugen 10%
Seydlitz 85%
Lützow 10%
Magdeburg 5%
Prinz Heinrich 5%
Konigsberg 5%
Type 34 Destroyer 90%
Type 36 Destroyer 80%

M.A.S.S. Builder: Upgrade Quark Enemies Production

It’s Saturday so Vermillion posted another news update; it’s a short one but they’ve stuck to the weekly reports just like the community asked. That alone has done wonders for this game.

I’m sure it helps the team stay extremely focused on what they’re doing, too.

Anyway this is the progress on one of the concept art monsters from a couple of weeks ago.

WIP: Upgrade Quark Enemies Production

Dimensional Wind Tunnel Quark Guy

This fell creature is going to be interesting to fight. He’s definitely got ranged vibes, but even so I bet he can gap close pretty well, too. Those fists have to be good for more than just throwing small continents at the player.

As always, looking forward to the quark chaos.

New WoWs Clip: Kongo

It took me way too long to finish this tiny video, but Premier doesn’t run as smoothly on my PC as I’d like. And let’s not forget the final boss, Naming the video (or the sub-boss, making the thumbnail for the video).

Fleeing Victory Chapter Two Part Two

One by one the 203rd’s vehicles challenged steep inclines and narrow passages, each crew hoping in turn that their luck would get them through to the other side of the tunnel system. Ricard’s ease was just beginning to return to him at the top of another incline when he heard something shatter overhead.

Nicholas’ gaze shot back to him. He had no answer for the young tanker.

“I’ll take a look,” Ricard said, pulling his scarf up to cover his mouth. He didn’t know for certain, but the only materials around here that would make that sort of high pitched splitting noise were the corrupted crystals. The rest was all rock and metal, neither of which even came close.

“Be careful,” Nicholas said as Ricard reached over to his side and picked up a helmet.

“I’ll be fine, but have Chaser stop for a second.” They should still have a minute before the next tank in the column reached the crest of the incline. That was time enough to poke his head outside and see what fell on top of them.

Just for good measure, Ricard pulled down the goggles affixed to his helmet before lifting himself up through the commander’s hatch.

“Oh no …” Ricard winced at the glowing red shards strewn across his tank’s hull. He spied a few crystal growths above them, poking out from the roof of the tunnel. Some must be coming loose after the tremors. That was especially dangerous for the scout vehicles, whose gunner stations offered no verticle protection whatsoever.

Purportedly, contact with bare skin would leave a soldier down for the count, so it wasn’t worth the risk trying to get rid of the shards himself. Ricard didn’t like the idea of being outside of the hatch, but these shards had to go one way or another.

“Chaser, go manual.”

Ricard steadied himself with his left hand while holding out his right. The tank began to shake, its right manipulator arm coming loose and stretching out to match his movements. Slowly–carefully, Ricard made gentle sweeping motions, minding the position of Chaser’s mechanical arm, and with a few swipes, the shards were sprinkled onto the side of the path. A few tiny fragments were left behind, but nothing as large and cumbersome as a tank’s manipulators could deal with those. They would have to spray Chaser down thoroughly back at the base to get rid of those.

“That’s the best we can do,” Ricard sighed, slapping the roof of the turret a couple of times.

Chaser’s arm stowed itself back alongside the suspension system, the mechanical hand attaching itself to the sprocket hub for support. There was a loud metal clamping noise that let Ricard know the arm was secure, and that the sprocket’s ‘backup’ drive was in place again.

Ricard climbed back down into the hatch and pulled down his scarf, letting Nicholas see his relieved smile for himself.

“All good?”

“Almost, but we should be fine for now. Onward we go.”

Just Like the Old Days

“It’ll be alright, Han. You, me, and Luke together again–It’ll be just like the old days.”

~Leia Organa Solo

Yeah. This is what we were looking forward to. Before the dark times. Before Disney.

I could rant about Disney Star Wars for hours, but I’d rather focus on my own material. Every hour I spent writing about what I don’t like is an hour I can’t spend creating something I do like, so the commentary on things like this will be few and far between.

That quote from Leia in Heir to the Empire just hit me pretty hard today. It makes me wonder about certain legacies and how to protect them from people who just want to use them for their own ends or destroy them altogether.

Clan Battles (3/9)

While I may personally be having a ‘bad day,’ Clan Battles actually went exceptionally well tonight. I think across all our matches, probably around twelve or so (? I rotated out for three games, so I don’t remember our total matches or win/loss ratio) we only lost four. I think; I don’t no the exact numbers.

Still, a good Clan Battles, even if the rest of my day has been less than stellar.

I played the Smolensk for a couple of games because we were getting silly toward the end. First game went way too well and the second game was an uphill battle and a loss.

That’s about it for the personal highlights. I don’t think I got any new video materials either, sadly.

Here’s hoping things are more interesting on Sunday.

It Has Arrived

I should have gotten on this a couple of years ago but better late than never. It’s time to start collecting all my old favorites, especially the Timothy Zahn books.

Forgive my low effort memes

Heir to the Empire is a little over 30 chapters so if I stick to my usual 2-3 chapters a day I should be finished within a couple of weeks.

(Huh, I haven’t needed to even think about using the star wars category in ages.)

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