M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP: 0.10.0 Quark Model Improvement Part 2 - Steam NewsA few weeks ago we showed you one of our Quarks receiving their model improvement. We’ve revisiting them in a short update this week with another Quark, this time an elite class that’s supposed...
M.A.S.S. Builder: WIP New Mission Sneak Peek Part 4
M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP: 0.10.0 New Mission Sneak Peek Part 4 - Steam NewsHello everyone! We’re back again with another mission sneak peek preview. Why are there so many of these? Because, as we’ve mentioned before, 0.10.0 will be an update that we’ll focus on moving...
M.A.S.S. Builder: WIP 0.10.0 Quark Model Improvement
M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP: 0.10.0 Quark Model Improvement - Steam NewsBack with another short update this week, Quark model improvements. In 0.9.0, we’ve added in a number of new enemies and their quality has vast differences from older ones, being more detailed and more...
Cosmo Messer F2 Release
The next entry in the Cosmo Messer F series is here. Steam Workshop::Bfc 109 Cosmo Messer F2Description Virtually a full upgrade to the Cosmo Messer F1, the F2 is smaller, with a stronger weapons loadout, and a consolidated fuel supply. It should be noted that the F2...
Admiral Hipper Update Release
It's time for Round 2 in this post-Automatons world we've face planted into. Steam Workshop::KCV Admiral Hipper 2.0It’s time for Round 2 in this post-Automatons world we’ve face planted into. Just like last time, the better looking info dump can be found here...
M.A.S.S. Builder: WIP 0.10.0 New Group of Enemies In-Game Preview
M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP: 0.10.0 New group of enemies in-game preview - Steam NewsHello! With the last week being filled with texts and paragraphs, we’d like something more "graphical" this week... thus it’s time we showed you the completed version of the new,...
Thumbnails Finished
The thumbnails for the Admiral Hipper, Cosmo Messer F2, and the KM-3s missile are finished. A bit rushed but they all look decent enough, especially the F2. Have a look. I also squished the frames a little to give the subjects more screen space. Once again, I think...
Cosmo Messer F2 Progress
It's pretty much finished. Unfortunately there are still some workshop related things I need to do and I don't quite have enough time for all of that tonight. Hopefully I'll have it sorted by tomorrow or sometime in the middle of the week, but if not, next weekend at...
M.A.S.S. Builder: 0.10.0 WIP Tentative Changes Discussion Roundup
M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP 0.10.0 Tentative changes discussion roundup. - Steam NewsWith all the new contents being posted in these past few weeks, we’d like to shift today’s WIP update back to the topic of game balancing. We’ve been posting tentative changes and...
M.A.S.S. Builder: WIP 0.10.0 New Types of Enemies Part 3
M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP: 0.10.0 New Type of Enemies Part 3 - Steam NewsThis week’s update is a continuation of the series of new enemies! We’d like to present you one more variant of the up and coming enemy drone unit! We know you’d like them to be more than new...
M.A.S.S. Builder: WIP 0.10.0 New Mission Sneak Peek Part 3
M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP: 0.10.0 New Mission Sneak Peek Part 3 - Steam NewsHello everyone! It’s back to another mission preview. Looks the same right? But this is another indoor mission from the ones we’ve shown before. This one is a... base. Whose base do you think...
Space Engineers: Cosmo Messer T Progress
I'm currently working on the Cosmo Messer F2 and the Ts. The F2s are just an upgraded, printable version of the original F model (henceforth referred to as the F1). Aside from having exposed hydrogen tanks on the ventral side and an offset connector to compensate,...
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