I stayed up way too long chipping away at a few projects, so I didn't have the energy for Clan Battles again, but all in all I think it was worth it. I even got to test a suggestion by one of the commenters from cheerkin's ASF drone page. Since the landing code on the...
Magdeburg: Inside and Out
I'm really loving the contrast between the exteriors and interiors of some of the Kaiser ships. The Magdeburg in particular is really nice. Outside are two striking shades of red Inside is an Artery Gear: Fusion inspired orange on black It's more impressive actually...
Behind on Reading (Star Wars)
I'm way behind on Legacy of the Force #1. I can't even say it's boring me, because that's not quite the case. I do think I might have been better served reading some of the previous books first. I can still catch up by the end of the month, but I doubt I'm really...
Kaiser Focused (For Now)
Every time I try to poke around with other factions' ships or vehicles, I get a burst of inspiration for the Kaisers, instead. Rather than gripe about it I'm just going to roll with it. So, until the pendulum starts swinging toward the other factions or the...
M.A.S.S. Builder: Community Showcase 2022 +
M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP: More 0.9.0 OST Preview and Community Showcase! - Steam NewsHere comes the M.A.S.S. Community Showcase 2022 showing off the creations of our players! We are extremely thankful to see your creations, doing much more than we could do and letting...
Hipper’s AI
While I'm not going to be able to get the kind of text to lcd responses I wanted in time for the initial upload, I did want to do at least a couple of things to differentiate Hipper from her sisters. Since only the Hipper and the Eugen have fully fledged AIs, they...
Space Engineers Stuff
Cosmo Messer F The Cosmo Messer F is ... finished. I'm not the least bit comfortable saying that, but after some Pertam tests, there's nothing more I can do to iron out or improve the design without time and distance. At this point it's better to just get it ready for...
Clan Battlezzz
I couldn't even drum up the motivation to do Clan Battles today. I might just be growing out of it. It's actually more fun for me at tier 8 than tier 10, so it's not the current season that's bothering me, necessarily. Since there's nothing to add there I'll leave it...
Cosmo Messer F (Final Tweaks)
I'm feeling a lot better now, but still not back to 100%. Even so, I'm getting really close to finishing the Cosmo Messer F. Once that's done, the Hipper won't be far behind. Two wonderful things happened at about the same time. One, I managed to replace the landing...
Still Alive
I'm still in pretty rough shape; I've got aching muscles I didn't even know existed thanks to that near constant sneezing, and my nose is still harassing me every so often, more than a day later. All that to say there's nothing to update the site on just yet. I'm...
In No Shape for PvP
Sundays, I don't even know anymore. I had to skip Clan Battles again. This time it was a sneezing fit that lasted for about three hours. I'm not entirely sure I'm past it yet, but either way I'm down for the count. I'm in no shape for any kind of PvP today.
M.A.S.S. Builder: 3rd Anniversary AMA (Part 2)
M.A.S.S. Builder - 3rd Anniversary AMA part 2 - Steam NewsContinuing from last week, today is part 2 of the AMA, regarding mostly questions about customizations! We have heard feedback about wanting more explanation to why things are answered that way and we’ll try to...
Recent Pinned Posts
Fleeing Victory #12
The Door Doctor Gil and the ghosts weren't five steps from the warehouse when another Cordaean artillery shell came down. He must have had his eyes covered just a moment too long; when he looked around he was alone again. The doctor quickly ran over to a container...
Fleeing Victory #11
Blackout Doctor Gil had imagined himself being escorted at gunpoint when he left his lab. One of the ghosts would take point while the other, probably the impatient one, kept a gun muzzle poking him just a little too hard in the back. That was how Gil pictured this...
Fleeing Victory #10
Crimson "You're Doctor Alfred Gil, the medical scientist overseeing the Crimson Tide Project." The doctor could only nod as the first of the Blue Ghosts he'd encountered approached him. Calig was more than just interested in Munican affairs. They put in the effort to...
Fleeing Victory #9
The Doctor We're coming for you, Doctor. Doctor Alfred Gil found the note addressed to him in the middle of the Cordoba's field tests. He hadn't told anyone about it, figuring others might write it off as a prank, just like he had at first. Later, when Fort Baldi came...
Fleeing Victory #8
Counterattack Fires raged as Fort Baldi's troops and workers tried to regain some semblance of control. The breach into the northern wall had nearly cost them the battle. However, the Cordaean attack was still well underway. As Fran rendezvoused with the rest of...

Gundam Battle Operation Code Fairy: First Impressions
It took me a while to get around to this, but I'm glad I did. Gundam Battle Operation Code Fairy is the latest Battle Operation title, and something I've been hoping Bamco would get around to for a long time. This type of game engine and style is perfect for PVE and...