The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

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Clan Battlezzz

I couldn't even drum up the motivation to do Clan Battles today. I might just be growing out of it. It's actually more fun for me at tier 8 than tier 10, so it's not the current season that's bothering me, necessarily. Since there's nothing to add there I'll leave it...

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In No Shape for PvP

Sundays, I don't even know anymore. I had to skip Clan Battles again. This time it was a sneezing fit that lasted for about three hours. I'm not entirely sure I'm past it yet, but either way I'm down for the count. I'm in no shape for any kind of PvP today.

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Clan Battles 9/14

It went well enough, though I was out for the last two matches getting dinner. I don't remember if we were up or down on wins overall, but it was definitely 1 or 2 games in either direction. I vaguely remember having a couple of games worth recording before 11.9, so...

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Another Skip

I planned to come in later than normal for Clan Battles, but I just don't have the energy for pvp today. I'll see how I'm feeling on Wednesday, but right now I'm trying to get 'real life' affairs in order and there are only a few things I can do to balance that kind...

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First Runs 11.8

I wound up skipping clan battles today, for a variety of reasons, but I did get to test out the updated operations this afternoon. Finally. Finally, I've got some incentive to play the game outside of clan battles. I even got a few replays worth recording toward the...

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Last Run 11.7

I had one last run in the old style of operations in Maya earlier today. They're taking away the 5 star format starting tomorrow so I wanted to get one last run in. It went well enough so I recorded it afterward, too. I won't spend too much time on it tomorrow but I...

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Minor Wargaming News

by | Nov 10, 2021 | WoWs

You can find the article here. I watched this video earlier in the day after booting up World of Warships. I normally watch these videos on youtube, but this time I got to listen to Wargaming justify themselves while enduring a pretty laggy in-game interface. I do agree with some of their points. I agree with most of them, actually. The problem is, it’s easy enough to agree with what someone says when they’re just explaining themselves. WG explains their process in a way anyone would agree with taken by itself, but when you have an impression of them formed over months or years of playing the actual game, you’re not going to have such a charitable interpretation of what they’re saying. A lot of people probably just rolled their eyes throughout the video, if they even made it that far.

Even if these videos don’t convince as many people as Wargaming would probably like, it’s good that they’re doing it. The players, myself included, were sick and tired of having random incidents come up and Wargaming putting out one of their scheduled promotional videos instead of addressing it first. It always looked really bad when those videos came out at the wrong time. Videos made in response to what the community is saying and not just promotional materials are just as important as the dev blog and other announcements formats. Any time a game company goes on the record with something, it’s a good thing. The more they say they do and say they will do, the more the players and their shareholders can hold them to that. The more vague and nebulous they are, the harder it is to pin them down on any one issue. In those cases it really does just come down to each side’s interpretation.

On that note, they also released this on the dev blog. They haven’t forgotten about their commitments, thank goodness.

Also, I’ve been thinking about the Black Friday sales coming up. I really, really want Yoshino B, not even a quarter as much as I wanted an Enterprise B, but as a coal ship, it would save me a very long grind to get the ship. I’m still leaning heavily against this Black Friday list of ships even though my personal beef with Wargaming is over, but that ship in particular really bothers me. I’d be having the same problem if the tier 10 ship was another coal ship like Immelmann or Marceau. I haven’t made a decision yet, frankly because that’s pointless before the sale actually goes up, but I’m still leaning no right now. I’m taking my thoughts down here just to be on the record as time goes on. It’s helpful to be able to look back and objectively see how things have changed.

I’m still pretty disappointed with the event though. Saipan B instead of Enterprise B? I can’t quite parse that one yet. Saipan isn’t a bad ship by any means, I just don’t understand. Enterprise B seemed like such an obvious move this year. Oh well.



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