The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

Current Projects

Chapter 2 1st Draft 30%

Remnants of the Elders

Yamato 60%
Hermes 5%
Yorktown 80%
Victorious 30%
Maya 5%
Blücher 70%
Prinz Eugen 10%
Seydlitz 85%
Lützow 10%
Magdeburg 5%
Prinz Heinrich 5%
Konigsberg 5%
Type 34 Destroyer 90%
Type 36 Destroyer 80%

Update 10/2

Space Engineers

Admiral Hipper and the Cosmo Messer F

We’re just in the final clean up phase now, like I mentioned before. The Admiral Hipper’s interior needs some polish, the programming needs some double and triple checking (haven’t published anything this huge before), and the preview video for the Messer F needs making. Once that’s done, the workshop write up and upload for both happens on that day.

Cosmo Stuka

This one’s farther off and it’s going to need a lot of testing to get right. The Cosmo Messer is half aesthetic and half performance; the Stuka is almost entirely aesthetics with me cramming in internal thrusters, hydrogen tanks, and gyros wherever I can fit them. All these subgrids make the Stuka really janky as a carrier strike craft, even in small numbers, but I still want to make one and then improve the design over time.

There were several different cockpit tests performed …

I was about to settle on some very weird WCO cockpit choices, but in the end I felt a forward facing fighter cockpit and a backward facing one would work best, at least for the first Stuka. I was working with a single seater version for a while, and I even came up with an explanation for the Kaisers doing that, but eventually I realized I had more than enough room for a second seat; I just needed a design I could live with.

I also took out that old intake from an earlier version of the Stuka and replaced it with the reloadable rocket launcher. That makes more sense to me for a Cosmo style ship, and it means Stukas will always hit harder than Messers on subsequent attack runs. Regular rocket launchers now adorn the sides of the cockpit to give the Stuka that extra alpha strike capability. Wing based armaments haven’t been figured out yet, but this ship is more than capable of handling custom built ordnance, so that’s definitely an option for this or a later iteration.

I’m hoping that by making the landing gears part of the main grid (and not subgrids) will make the Stuka more stable in hangars and possibly even compatible with the carousel racks I made, but that still needs more testing, too. The Stuka is about the same size as the Messer, so if at all possible, I want them both to fit on the same racks, even if it’s not Hipper class racks specifically.


This ship is meant to be a predecessor class to the ‘K’ type cruiser the Kaiser faction tried to mass produce just before a major war breaks out. There are only three Konigsberg class ships and about twenty of the K cruiser variants, but finishing the Konigsberg will be major progress toward all of them. This is the start of the ‘grunt cruiser’ for the Kaisers so while it’s an older and less pretty design, it’s just as important in the long run as the Hippers.


I don’t know why it’s so much easier to iron out lore details for Remnants than anything else, but that’s something I need to take advantage of. In addition to a main story I’ll be starting this month, I’m also going to be using that inspiration to do some big write ups for posterity, as well as a short story (very short) here and there where I can manage.

The main story will center around a new character I’ve been ironing out for almost a year now. He’s known by a lot of names by the time the story starts due to his ties to several major countries. Examples include: Urban Randall, the Sky Duke, Urban von Scharnhorst, and Urbano Tuerto.

Although he’s not a mercenary, he’s not really allied with any of the countries that gave out some of those names, either. All I can say for now is that the treasure trove of names and titles he has will make more sense pretty early in his story. I’ll also introduce some of the other characters as I get things rolling. I’m particularly looking forward to introducing some of Urban’s close allies. They’ve all got deep ties to the world’s lore.

Lydia’s Golden Treasury

Sometimes I wonder if I’m being held back by some mystical force long enough for me to figure out some crucial piece this chapter’s missing, but I just can’t think of anything. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I want to axe the key conflict for this chapter and keep things closer to home and more Enya centric. If that turns out to be what needs doing then so be it. I really want to finish this draft so I know what specifically needs editing in future chapters. Once the new chapter 2 is finished I can also start back on the final two chapters of the story. I’ve been wanting to do those but the Lyre of Binding’s too critical to put off.

This month, I’m really hoping I can iron it out, even if it just comes down to being a drawn out explanation of what put Enya in the mindset she’s in when the Atoning Mirror chapter starts.


October’s off to an iffy start, but that’s no reason to get discouraged. Now the economy finally imploding, THAT would be reason to doubt I can get any of this done. We’ll see how things go.

M.A.S.S. Builder New Mission Shelter Setting Sneak Peak


This is one of the more detailed mission/map previews we’ve gotten. It’s also nice to finally be able to run (or more likely from the preview itself) fly around this a cityscape.

On closer inspection of that gif, I think the playable area is actually going to be the wall itself, the exterior wilderness, and that sliver of open area between the wall and the city. Even so, it’s a nicer backdrop than many of the older maps.

I hope there’s at least one hunt on this stage so we can have some repeatables that aren’t story specific, but we’ll see.

Wrapping Up September

Well things are getting more focused on some fronts, at least. Still I’m behind on a lot of things and October’s not likely to be any more merciful to me. That said, I still made progress on a few things, so I don’t feel too bad about it.

On that note, the Cosmo Stuka has been revived. I was building a new frame from scratch last night on a whim and then decided to load in the half broken version with all the subgrids and see just how much work it would take to save that build. Turns out, not a lot. Back when I built that version of the Stuka, I didn’t know Black Armor’s technique for using multiple hinges to stabilize and strengthen subgrids. Now each subgrid part is supported by two hinges. The build’s much more stable now and just needs a better internal layout for actual performance. More on that later.

Going into October I’ve got two writing goals:
First is same as this month but it’s do or die time. The Lyre of Binding Chapter in Lydia’s Golden Treasury needs a draft finished.
Second, I’m starting the first Remnants story.

For October I’m just going to keep reading Legacy of the Force #1 and Dune and we’ll see if any progress happens.

Lastly are programming related goals. It’s mostly studying but I can at least ‘interpret’ both of my study targets (JavaScript and C#). Both are important for different reasons so I’ll be setting a lot of time aside for those, too.

That’s all for now. I’ll be firing off a more in depth update on the 2nd.

Subcannons are Coming

I stayed up way too long chipping away at a few projects, so I didn’t have the energy for Clan Battles again, but all in all I think it was worth it. I even got to test a suggestion by one of the commenters from cheerkin’s ASF drone page.

Since the landing code on the drone is a bit hit or miss(crash), pairing it with arguably the best automatic docking script in the game could solve the problem. It would even give me more reliable pathing options and unique landing spots. The problem is that there’s a difference between pairing programs and combining them. The latter would have been more desirable, but I don’t even begin to comprehend either of those programs. The best I could do for now was to see where and how they interfere with each other visually, try to compensate, and take some notes for posterity.

The reason I’m looking into this again now is because the Kaisers use a weapon called a ‘subcannon.’ The official name is grafschwerter or grafenschwerter depending on the model. This weapon is essentially the combination of a drone and railway gun. To get it to work, the subcannons have to be able to detach from the mothership, participate in a multangular attack, and then return to dock on command. It’s all got to work from the helm or command station of the ship in question.

The first ship the Kaisers have that will have subcannons is the Prinz Eugen. Others include the Bismarck class battleships, and the Graf Zeppelin. I can post pone work on the Eugen until the subcannon design and programming is finished, but that would probably mean skipping over to Seydlitz, which I’m not sure I’m ready for either. Converting the Hipper hull into something that can comfortably carry more than 20 Cosmo Messers, or a combination of them and other Kaiser ships, is way too daunting right now. I still have to design the other planes and make sure they’re roughly compatible with the same connectors and platforms as the Messers.

Daunting, I tell you.

Anyway, I know this is mostly Space Engineers talk, but that’s not all I’m working on. I’ll try to branch out with other topics once the Cosmo Messer F and the Admiral Hipper are finished and uploaded to the workshop.

Magdeburg: Inside and Out

I’m really loving the contrast between the exteriors and interiors of some of the Kaiser ships. The Magdeburg in particular is really nice.

Outside are two striking shades of red
Inside is an Artery Gear: Fusion inspired orange on black

It’s more impressive actually walking around inside. Magdeburg’s interior is almost done and as much as I hate to admit it, I want to finish that before I post the Hipper to the workshop so I can get a more consistent look and feel between the ships. I still have to make the video featuring the Cosmo Messer F anyway, so this won’t slow things down much unless I need to make sweeping changes somewhere.



Anyway, that’s all for now. I’ll post the video–or at least part of it–here once it’s done.

Behind on Reading (Star Wars)

I’m way behind on Legacy of the Force #1. I can’t even say it’s boring me, because that’s not quite the case. I do think I might have been better served reading some of the previous books first. I can still catch up by the end of the month, but I doubt I’m really going to be enjoying the story until the plot takes off. Right now it’s what you’d expect with lots of setup and reintroducing characters.

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