The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

Current Projects

Chapter 2 1st Draft 30%

Remnants of the Elders

Yamato 60%
Hermes 5%
Yorktown 80%
Victorious 30%
Maya 5%
Blücher 70%
Prinz Eugen 10%
Seydlitz 85%
Lützow 10%
Magdeburg 5%
Prinz Heinrich 5%
Konigsberg 5%
Type 34 Destroyer 90%
Type 36 Destroyer 80%

Clan Battles 8/24

It could have been a lot worse, but today’s win/loss ratio was pretty bad. Group A (we had two groups after the first few games for once; quite the rarity) had eleven matches with only wins. I have no idea how Group B fared. A few people had to leave early. I decided to head out early too since I wasn’t having any luck in most of my tier 8 dds. There were a few good games, but only three of those games were worth recording. I’ll grab the replays of those before 11.8 goes live.

As for the breakdown, here it is:

  • Harekaze II – Win
  • Harekaze II – Win
  • Harekaze II – Loss
  • Loyang B – Loss
  • Le Fantasque – Win
  • Le Fantasque – Loss
  • Le Fantasque – Loss
  • Oland – Loss
  • Harekaze II – Loss
  • ARP Takao – Loss
  • Prinz Eugen – Win

You can almost see the shifting tactics and the mindset behind the breakdown. It’s kind of funny to look at, but of my two favorite Tier 8 cruisers, Prinz Eugen managed to get me that win I so desperately needed to not come away from this one feeling dead inside. Thanks, Eugen~


I crashed hard yesterday. I had the tab open to make a quick post and everything, but alas. Resting my eyes turned my Monday into a Tuesday. It’s like magic, dark, evil magic.

Anyway, I’m still tired for some reason so I might not even manage my catch up post today, but I still need to mention what happened for posterity. On the bright side, if all goes according to plan, I may have a more flexible budget again soon. Just depends.

Slept On Clan Battles

There weren’t enough people to get started and I was tired. Given how Wednesday went, plus today, it’s not a good sign for how the rest of the season may unfold. I’ve wanted a tier 8 Clan Battles for a long time, even if only to escape from the frustrations of Tier 10. My current clan might not be up for it though, which is a shame, but it is what it is.

I’ll just enjoy the extra free time if it comes to that. Hopefully 11.8 will at least give me something to make World of Warships fun again in general.

M.A.S.S. Builder QOL Update

Quality of life updates are always welcome. VD’s focusing on the menus specifically. For the section where unlocked nodes are equipped, they’re adding new sorting options like ascending and descending sorting, and alphabetical sorting. For the parts section and the node unlocks screens you can also hold down shift to skip the unlock animations.

All in all, pretty good.

In other news, I was thinking about whether or not there would be a cutscene replay feature added to the archive at some point. When this update posted I decided that it would probably be a good question to ask VD. I even went into the archive for a minute just to make sure it wasn’t already a feature introduced previously that I just hadn’t noticed. I’m still going to give it maybe one more week before I submit my question, but I’m leaning sharply toward that one, mainly because I want to rewatch the old cutscenes in order as the story unfolds and make eventually record an entire playthrough.

Very Small Update 8/19

Today was short and I only made progress on The Lyre of Binding Chapter and some of the Hipper’s new paint job.

With the Lyre chapter I’m writing events chronologically and leaving small gaps for additional content later on. I’m just getting key events written before they start morphing out of control again. Less essential content can come later. It’s going well and there’s a good chance I’ll have the first draft finished before September. I do need to pick up the pace, though.

As for Hipper, there’s less good news there. I just can’t find a paint scheme that both looks good on this particular style of ship, and fits the Kaiser faction as a whole. I might just have to keep experimenting with different combinations until something sticks. The only problem is that the fastest way to change the colors of the grid requires a tool that uses hex values for identifying blocks, but rgb values for inputing color changes. Having to run all of these color conversions (that look different in different programs mind you) makes things take five times as long as they should. It also forces me to write down a bunch notes to keep track of the values.

And this is the ‘fast’ way of making specific grid-wide changes.

I’m tired.

Prepping for Paint

Well, I spent way more time on the Hipper’s internals today than I meant to, but overall it was time well spent. With a few areas I might need to rework slightly, the interior is just about finished, design-wise. Now is the interesting part. I’m going to repaint the entire ship starting from the outside and working my way through the interior.

The ship only has about five decks because each one is no shorter than three blocks tall. The idea there was to make sure I could color any floor whatever color I wanted and the ceiling of the next deck down wouldn’t be affected. There are some areas where this isn’t possible for various reasons, but in general the interiors are going to have a varied and unique look to them when I’m finished. Much (more) inspiration is going to be taken from SBY on this.

Clan Battles is Starting Up Again

I wanted to go into this well rested, or at least with some kind of rest, but I had too much on my mind to lay down and stay put for eight hours. Best if I stay out of DDs on this one, but we’ll see. I’m going to at least show up on principle.

Unfortunately, the excitement of playing a tier besides X for once has already worn off and Clan Battles haven’t even started yet (as of this post). I’m going to chalk it up to my not wanting to play World of Warships in general right now. It’s starting to feel like a chore with no events I’m interested in going on. Not to mention all the other things going on.

Maybe that fire will come back when 11.8 is finished. I’m really looking forward to the updates in that one.

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