The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

Current Projects

Chapter 2 1st Draft 30%

Remnants of the Elders

Yamato 60%
Hermes 5%
Yorktown 80%
Victorious 30%
Maya 5%
Blücher 70%
Prinz Eugen 10%
Seydlitz 85%
Lützow 10%
Magdeburg 5%
Prinz Heinrich 5%
Konigsberg 5%
Type 34 Destroyer 90%
Type 36 Destroyer 80%

Admiral Hipper Update

Remodeling this ship using the same hull I had before is a real challenge, but mainly in the aft sections.

New Flight Deck

Originally the Hipper was going to only carry about 4 fighters, then my Space Battleship Yamato style carousel hangar upped that number to 8. Then, not being satisfied being able to carry 8 fighters but not have connectors for any of them to use, I added 2 external docks, technically bringing the ship’s carrying capacity to 10. She’s not quite a light carrier, nor was she meant to be, but meine güte this massive cruiser is getting extremely close to one.

Flight Deck Doors Open

Flight Deck Doors Closed

There are two adjacent connectors per side; the Cosmo Messer F models and onward have the connectors closer to the center of the fuselage. The Hipper’s flight deck is supposed to accommodate all 109s, so … redundant connectors.

Now that I’ve added a flight deck for fighters to wait on standby, or to just refuel like the stern docks, that ups the total capacity to 12. Sort of. 4 can be docked with the ship directly while 8 can magnetically attach to the docks in the carousel section, but there’s also a maintenance area a couple of decks below the flight deck, which I plan to add some welders to for fixing or building Cosmo Messers. With or without a connector in that maintenance section, there’s actually enough room for 13 fighters.

Maintenance Area Access

This is a stupid game I’m playing called ‘Preserve the carousel at all costs.’

It’s getting crowded, but the more fighters the Hipper class can carry, the more independently they can operate as a whole, which is nice. For comparison, the Edinburgh class–at least the lead ship–carries much smaller fighters, but still only has room for 4 of them.

Depending on how you view magnetic connectors, there really isn’t a hard limit on what kinds of small ships or how many of them can be ‘carried’ as long as there’s surface area and thruster power for it, but I only count magnetic plate docking for internal docking, or at least ‘common sense’ docking. You shouldn’t have fighters clamped down just anywhere as a standard practice, even if it’s not obstructing anything.

Pesky Main Guns

Another problem I’m having is designing the main guns. They’re going to be twin barrels for a total of 8 guns in 4 turrets, pretty much what you’d expect in a space version of a WWII German Heavy Cruiser. Weaponcore doesn’t play nice with custom turret controllers, though. Occasionally I get them to work, but the only designs that consistently work are those that have only a single elevator hinge/rotor. That’s really difficult to design a multi-barrel turret around and it’s annoying enough that I’ve been putting off committing to a design for almost a month now.

As tempting as it is to just use one of the ‘prefab’ turrets, I don’t want the Hippers using triple barrel turrets. I’ll figure it out eventually but for now it’s one of those minor headaches I’m trying to let my brain tackle in the background.


The only areas I’m working on currently are the exterior and any areas relating to the fighters, so the ship’s still mostly an empty shell. The plan is to get far enough along with the small craft areas to know how they’ll have to connect to the rest of the ship. From there I can figure out the new floorplan and how the conveyor and vent systems will need to work. After that it’s just filling everything back in. I’m going to make more of the bow section directly accessible for the crew this time around since the previous version had a lot of wasted space.

More on that when I get there.

A Little Work on the Cosmo Messer F

I took twenty or so minutes to start on the primary changes to the Cosmo Messer E that will upgrade the design to the F version. The main difference is that it no longer has a rocket launcher in the nose. That will be replaced with either an autocannon or some other gun. The F model will have two deployable rocket launchers mounted on the bottom.

If possible, I’m also going to add deployable landing gears, but that wasn’t something I could really hone in on today. I just wanted to take a quick crack at getting its new weapon emplacements sorted. The next time around I’ll see what I can do about the thruster layout and landing gears. There should also be some screenshots by then.

Small Update 7/24


I’m going to stick with Photoshop for this digital art thing, at least while I practice. It’s not built specifically for a stylus, but the option’s always been there and I’m already (mostly) comfortable with the program. I might still try a couple of free alternatives like SAI or FireAlpaca, but I’m paying for Ps so I might as well milk it for everything it’s worth.

Unfortunately that means I don’t have any artwork for today like I was hoping. Even as I type I’m hopping back and forth trying to tweak my settings for doing lineart. The stylus works but it’s not as precise as it could be.

New Site Planned

The Praedian Records is my personal website where I only want to focus on my own projects and interests. It’s not a business site and I don’t want it to get overcrowded with niche finding experiments, so I think it’s time to built another website specifically for that.

Building a new site will also help me put my studies to the test.

Seeing how everything here is on a subdomain right now, I could probably use the ‘main’ site for this. Maybe. I’ll have to give it some thought.

M.A.S.S. Builder: New Accessories Preview

M.A.S.S. Builder: New Accessories Preview

M.A.S.S. Builder: New Accessories Preview

More accessories are always good. Hopefully with more bare bones weapon bases we’ll be able to create or recreate some very interesting weapons.

Vermillion also made an interesting point about the types of accessories we’ll be able to use. Since a lot of these look like base weapon muzzles and the like, we could make M.A.S.S. units with extras or holstered weapons sticking out of various areas. I’m personally more likely to just tweak the size and shape of an otherwise vanilla-esque weapon and leave it at that.

I’m expecting some people to add extra barrels to one weapon, create a dual wielding look, or maybe even both. There are even some claw-esque bits coming~

Maybe SAI

I guess all the Adobe apps can’t be good fits. I’m having a few technical issues with Fresco that I’m not sure are even worth solving. We’ll see, but it’s starting to get on my nerves; I’ve been doing research instead of drawing, which is never a good thing. I might give SAI or something similar a try.

Two Books?

I mentioned it before but I haven’t been reading Dune everyday and I’m nowhere close to finishing it. Even today has been more of a ‘figure out Fresco’ day. Unless I take two or three days to focus solely on reading, I won’t catch up enough to finish by August. That really only matters because I want to read at least one novel a month, at the very least start a new one each month. Dune doesn’t ready quite like what I’m used to so I’m slower with it on top of everything else.

Either way, I don’t like the idea of speeding through a good story just to meet a deadline. I do this for fun as much as for consistency. So that leaves me with one prevailing thought: two books? That does sound like a bit of a choking hazard, but this 12 books a year goal is completely doable and I don’t want to let it go by the wayside if I can help it. I’d rather just tackle both books at the same time and still round out the year with 12 reads. I can do that; as bogged down as I am I can do that.

Assuming I go this route, I haven’t decided on the next book yet. Probably something shorter. The Legacy of the Force books don’t look that long individually. Spice and Wolf Volume 2 is also an option.

Do it Yourself

The idea of having to go into the training room with specific sound settings just to record my own naval gun salvos is really annoying, but at the same time, I haven’t been able to find the sounds I want in an isolated state in either the game files, youtube videos, or sfx archives.

On the bright side, at least I’ll have my own sounds to fiddle around and experiment with. What was really jarring is that I couldn’t find naval artillery sounds for some of the older games I would have settled for, like Battlestations Pacific. Anyway, it’s just another hurdle to jump.

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