The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

Current Projects

Chapter 2 1st Draft 30%

Remnants of the Elders

Yamato 60%
Hermes 5%
Yorktown 80%
Victorious 30%
Maya 5%
Blücher 70%
Prinz Eugen 10%
Seydlitz 85%
Lützow 10%
Magdeburg 5%
Prinz Heinrich 5%
Konigsberg 5%
Type 34 Destroyer 90%
Type 36 Destroyer 80%

Spring Cleaning: Digital Edition

A couple of my external drives are getting full, so I’m hunting down all the bloatware and other useless junk that’s never going to get used and cleaning those drives out. That’s been roughly half my day.

The other half was fitful sleep because my sleep schedule went up in flames. Again.

It’s always interesting what you can find from the far off year of 2016.

Anyway, this is just a small note for the blog on how this week’s starting out. I also want to mention that there’s a Space Engineers project I’m looking into. I need to do some research and testing first, but it seems doable and just barely worth the time needed. There won’t be any details going up about this potential project until I’m fully committed, though. There are one too many IPs involved for it to be anything marketable, but the experience could be worth it.

The Future of Space Engineers 2022

The Highlight

AI in this game is what people tend to want after an ‘Empyrion-like’ survival experience and stability fixes across the board. This is the same camp I’m in. Honestly I don’t think this game has much room left for stability improvements in the current engine, so I don’t get too hung up on that, and if I want an Empyrion experience, I’ll try playing Empyrion again.

AI is one of those areas that could really open this game up even more. Having that kind of built in foundation for even slightly autonomous grids could also help in areas Keen hasn’t even considered.

There have been a lot of scripts and mods to help bring AI features and functionality into the game, but between modders not maintaining their mods through major updates, and others simply moving onto other things, there’s rarely a consistent long term solution that works for everyone or addresses every need.

For myself, I’d like grids I’m not piloting to be able to follow grids I am piloting, perform specific maneuvers, and for smaller AI grids to be able to launch and dock along precise paths. There have been scripts that attempted all of this, as well as some being worked on and maintained right now, but the technical problems can come in torrents. Making certain functionality a part of the base game should make scripts and mods involving AIs work better, more consistently, and with less of a performance impact.

However Keen goes about this, the modding community is going to carry that foundation as far as this game engine and the game’s API allows. That’s what I’m really excited about. First Keen releases something new and interesting, and then the modders take it to the next level. It’s great and I can’t wait to see how that manifests the next time around.

Community Guides

I’d love to try my hand at making mods or even scripts for the game, but admittedly that’s a bit beyond my skillset right now. The more guides, the better.

DLC Price Increase

The fact that all DLC in this game isn’t free makes a surprising number of players really mad for some reason, so seeing a 1 dollar price increase (justified by the increasing amount of content contained in those dlcs) is probably a bad sign. I can’t look at a Keen news update or watch a stream without someone whinging about these kinds of things.

You hate to see it.


I didn’t see any bad news here or anything worrying, so the amount of complaints I saw, both on the dev blog, and on Steam, were frustrating. I get that the game’s got plenty of problems, but hey, they’re hiring! It’s everyone’s chance to try and get in there and improve the game and get paid doing it.

That was a bit facetious, but I’m also being slightly serious. There are way more avenues these days to try and address problems in our favorite games, and we’ve got more direct lines of communication with them. People are using that to whinge constantly instead of being proactive and productive. It’s sad to see.

As far as I’m concerned, bring on the AI! If and when I understand things enough to contribute more than just grids and mechanical designs, I will.

WoWs: Groggy and Amused

I was only able to participate in the last hour of Clan Battles today and there were two particularly good matches I was in. As usual, taking naps in the afternoon is kind of useless for me. I need to remind myself never to bother.

Anyway, the first interesting match was one of those rare nail biter wins where there wasn’t a single ship left afloat on either side. The other one was more of a personal challenge with me stuck behind an island on Neighbors and being chain radared and hydroed for the first ten minutes of the game.

All I can say about that hilarity is that Daring is a very good DD and I’ll definitely be recording that replay for later.

That’s about all for now. I’ll try to get back to the normal pace of things this coming week.

M.A.S.S. Builder: Co-op Mission Design Preview

I love it when Vermillion goes the extra mile. I’d love to be a part of a team like this … or even build one myself.

Anyway, to the actual post.

Co-op is something I’m looking forward to far more than anything else in the multiplayer updates. While we’re probably only going to have the one map/mission combo to play with a for a good while after the update, that’s a lot more than we were promised. Looks nice, too.

While it’s been a long wait, that update’s probably going to get here before we know it, so I’m hoping to find some time to finish up at least one of my M.A.S.S. units in time.

Going Quiet For a Few Days

I’ve got a personal holiday coming up so there isn’t going to be much info going up over the next few days. I’ll still be posting like usual, just nothing beefy or otherwise time consuming.

That said, I’m still mainly focused on the following:

  • Outlining Artorius and Remnants
  • Lydia’s Golden Treasury Chapter 2 1st draft
  • Cosmo Messer workshop upload

For June the goal’s to make serious headway on all of these (and to complete the latter two).

More Books

I set aside a little every month for a few book purchases, and for this month I picked up another three.

  • Legacy of the Force #1 Betrayal by Aaron Allston
  • Legacy of the Force #2 Bloodlines by Karen Traviss
  • A Throne of Bones by Vox Day

Star Wars, like so many other megacorp IPs, is basically dead, but for me, it only makes the Legends continuity that much more attractive. That’s not to say everything in Legends is good, but Legends is more to me than just a treasure trove of ‘content’ ranging from okay to fantastic. Legends is the eventuality of a beloved franchise being constantly worked on for decades.

That’s worth delving deep into and trying to understand.

As for a Throne of Bones, I started listening to this gem as an audio book over a year ago, but I’m well out of that phase now. I just can’t listen to stories while I’m doing other things and enjoy it anymore. I don’t even enjoy reading stories off of computer screens or tablets unless it’s manga or something similarly slanted toward the artwork.

For novels, I just really want to have the thing in my hands and not glowing, you know?

At some point I’ll start on these and get back to the blog about them.

Clan Battles 6/1

Not much to say about this one. I did way more calling today than I probably should have, though, and we got knocked out of the struggle a couple of times. That always happens at the beginning so I’m not too broken up about it.

Again, I am resigned to my fate …

We also had to switch to the main clan’s division to keep playing about an hour before the end. There were some really good, really close wins. Three at the beginning and two at the end.

There was no battleship play from me today. The other Phoenix took care of that, so I was mostly playing Shimakaze and trying to get used to Daring. There were also a couple of Yoshino and Smolensk games in there somewhere.

Anyway, there’s still a lot of ‘Cayman’ season left to go. Hopefully I’ll have a few more ships to choose from by then, like Halland, Yueyang, and maybe another coal ship.

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