The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

Current Projects

Chapter 2 1st Draft 30%

Remnants of the Elders

Yamato 60%
Hermes 5%
Yorktown 80%
Victorious 30%
Maya 5%
Blücher 70%
Prinz Eugen 10%
Seydlitz 85%
Lützow 10%
Magdeburg 5%
Prinz Heinrich 5%
Konigsberg 5%
Type 34 Destroyer 90%
Type 36 Destroyer 80%

M.A.S.S. Builder: In the City

Incredible work! I didn’t realize until today that Vermillion could crank out things like this.

What is the platform for? A special place just for M.A.S.S. units to pit their strength against each other, of course. The cityscape shown here is what you’ll see in the upcoming PvP multiplayer modes and will be used first as a testing grounds for multiplayer lobby.

This tileset clearly has way more potential than just a multiplayer lobby, but you have to start somewhere, and an MP lobby makes sense. Hopefully it will also get used in the Photo Mode because that will make for an incredible backdrop.

You know what would also be nice here? A scenario editor. That’s more of an RTS thing, and just the older, mid-2000s games at that, but it would be nice with a map like this one.

I’m looking forward to hearing more about this tile set in the future.

Fleeing Victory Chapter Three Part One

When they first arrived, Ricard had wanted nothing more than to go down into the tunnels to escape the corrupted crystal mounds on the surface. Once they were in the tunnels, he couldn’t wait to get back to the surface, away from the Munican automated guns and even more corrupted crystals. After they came up for air and were greeted by heavy gunfire, he realized that their first and biggest mistake was launching this mission in the first place. Nowhere was even relatively safe, now.

It could be a lot worse. While they were under fire, their attackers hadn’t landed a single direct hit yet. Ricard guessed the rocks and uneven terrain around the tunnel entrance was providing cover for both sides. With one crucial exception, the enemy could only shake them up for now.

“It’s just one drake! Shoot it down!” Lieutenant Rog was trying his best to coordinate the 203rd’s anti air tanks against the Munican dive bomber coming toward them, but shells and rockets were coming down on them from every direction. In all the chaos, it was a wonder he was able to keep track of it himself.

The anti air kept up the barrage despite being rocked by nearby explosions, but the dragon-like plane managed to release its entire payload, receiving mostly superficial damage as it pulled out of its dive. The wounded drake left a trail of black smoke and dread behind as Ricard and so many others braced for the bombs. When they came down, the blasts were far, far behind them. Rog never gave the order for all units to report in. No one was anywhere near ground zero.

Ricard came up through the commander’s hatch to see the rising smoke a fifth of a mile behind them. “What, did he choke?”

“He missed?” Nicholas called up from inside Chaser’s hull.

“By a country mile,” Ricard said, cocking an eyebrow at the dark column in the sky. “Something’s not right here.”

The sensor team’s report was the missing piece of the puzzle. “We think the tunnel’s collapsing, sir. Checking with the rear for confirmation. Over.”

If the tunnel collapsed, they couldn’t retreat from this attack underground. Ricard winced, realizing that dive bomber hadn’t missed his target at all. In fact, he may have doomed them all if the sensor team’s suspicions turned out to be true. They weren’t so far behind enemy lines that they couldn’t make it back to their allies with the fuel they had left, but they certainly weren’t going to fight their way back overland with enemies in every direction and no aerial reconnaissance.

Ricard had a feeling–a terrible sinking feeling that the Municans had an exceptionally large division of their own armored vehicles rumbling towards them at that very moment.

Lieutenant Rog swept the whole battalion with new orders, instructing the scouts to disperse and find the 203rd a way out of the area. The anti air tanks were to distribute themselves evenly throughout the formation of tanks as they formed a large defensive circle. Lastly, the light and medium tanks were to line up their shots carefully, and try to pick off any Municans that got too close.

The crystal mounds that subtly plagued them at the Cordaean ingress weren’t quite so numerous here; at least, Ricard thought to himself, maneuvering wasn’t going to be difficult. He slipped back into the turret and closed the hatch. “Alright, Nick, we hold here until one of the scouts finds a gap we can slip through.”

“So hull-down,” Nickolas began, before something occurred to him. “Hey wait, earth hull-down or metal hull-down?”

Ricard smiled bitterly, easily recalling how wildly uneven the terrain outside was. There were plenty of spots to dig in and wait, but few of them offered a good enough angle to shoot at anything that came their way. Metal hull-down it was.

“Chaser, get those arms deployed and cover your body. Then ease into our slot in the formation.”

Chaser rapidly unfolded its arms and the skirt armor attached to them as it began moving. As numerous tanks began to form a heavily armored circle around their logistics vehicles, more and more eyes looked to the sky. The 203rd’s formation would protect them from a good deal of the sporadic, random shells coming in, but from the sky, everyone knew they were starting to resemble an enormous bullseye. With all of their support units bunched up, a well placed airstrike would devastate them. It was up to the scout cars to find them a route out of this engagement, and fast.

To be continued

Starting Chapter 3 Today

Fleeing Victory Chapter 3 Part 1 is the goal for today. I’ll also try to finish gathering what I need for the Cosmo Messer workshop upload.

Sleep? Who needs th–Me. I do. I’m not getting it though.

Also it’s not a big deal but I always look at these before I go into Space Engineers and it’s nice to see one of my own in the mix.

Cosmo Messer Inbound

Ups and Downs

Clan Battles was definitely interesting tonight. A lot of experimentation and what not. To be frank though, I’m having a bit of a mid-season crisis. I absolutely despise Random Battles and the lack of teamwork in that game mode so it’s really hard to get in practice with my high tier dds. After what feels like half a year, it’s starting to show.

That’s not to say it isn’t hilariously easy to point and click and watch an enemy ship disappear a minute later, but there’s a combination of personal tactics and coordination with the rest of the team I still have to figure out to make this work better.

I’ll try to make a proper video from this and the other materials some other time.


Anyway, that’ll do it for now.

Cosmo Messer: We’re Almost There

I looked up another replay tool tutorial since the Cosmo Messer itself is more or less finished. Now I just have to get some things ready for the workshop upload, like screenshots, details, and a demo video. That last one’s going to be tricky but I managed to get a couple of good clips while testing the replay tool.

Once I’m comfortable with it, I could probably put on an airshow. That’ll be fun … if time consuming.

I Did It Again

I meant to post yesterday, but that was one of those days where I was away from home way longer than I expected. That means barring some weird circumstances, I’ll be doing two today. I’m not sure if that includes this post or not.

Also I have a headache that refuses to go away. I didn’t get any sleep on top of getting back home late, so that’s been fun.

Anyway, I’ll see what I can put together for today.

A Shikishimakaze Night

Tonight was a bit of back and forth. I did some games in the Shikishima (and got some decent video material thankfully) and spent the last few games in the Shimakaze. Overall a good night. I’m just hoping I can get Premier running smoothly on my pc again so I can get some more videos together. Not just for WoWs but in general.

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