The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

Clan Battles 9/14

It went well enough, though I was out for the last two matches getting dinner. I don't remember if we were up or down on wins overall, but it was definitely 1 or 2 games in either direction. I vaguely remember having a couple of games worth recording before 11.9, so...

Is It Finished?

Well, no, but that's just because I never set a specific goal in mind or really thought about what a 'finished Hipper' actually looks like. I even gave the ship a new external paint scheme because the old one felt a bit ... off, somehow. Having said that, I'm...

Another Skip

I planned to come in later than normal for Clan Battles, but I just don't have the energy for pvp today. I'll see how I'm feeling on Wednesday, but right now I'm trying to get 'real life' affairs in order and there are only a few things I can do to balance that kind...

M.A.S.S. Builder 3rd Anniversary AMA (Part 1)

I think I got my dates mixed up. I thought the AMA forms were closing on the 16th rather than the 9th, so I didn't get my question in in time. Just as well since whether or not viewing previous cutscenes isn't all that important. That said, I'll ask again if I get the...

Too Hot

It was a painfully unproductive day, but with the AC being out and it being over 100f outside, staying alive was the name of the game. We'll see how things pan out tomorrow.

First Runs 11.8

I wound up skipping clan battles today, for a variety of reasons, but I did get to test out the updated operations this afternoon. Finally. Finally, I've got some incentive to play the game outside of clan battles. I even got a few replays worth recording toward the...

Last Run 11.7

I had one last run in the old style of operations in Maya earlier today. They're taking away the 5 star format starting tomorrow so I wanted to get one last run in. It went well enough so I recorded it afterward, too. I won't spend too much time on it tomorrow but I...

All Recorded

Well, it took about four hours and I did some random house work, reading, and gacha games while I waited, but all the replays I wanted saved from WoWs 11.7 are recorded in glorious, hard drive bulging, multi gigabyte high definition. Glad that's over with. The update...

Clan Battles 9/4

That went exceptionally well. We not only had an 8/4 win/loss ratio, we had two separate divs running a couple of hours in. I had to call for the WPA div, so I'm surprised we won as often as we did. We had some very close matches though, with everyone pulling a win...

M.A.S.S. Builder: Multiplayer Mode OST Preview

M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP: Multiplayer Mode OST Preview - Steam NewsHello everyone! It’s been another week that we still haven’t gotten 0.9.0 out and we’re extremely regretful that it won’t be on time for our 3rd anniversary. With that said, some of our works have far...

Finalizing the Hipper

We're in the final stretch. It's that phase of development where you're not even sure what to do anymore, you're just running around tweaking every little thing, critiquing things that don't need it (particularly colors). It's a bit frustrating but it's also nice to...

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