M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP 0.10.0: New Type of Enemies Part 2 - Steam NewsAs a continuation from last week, here’s another variant of new enemies coming into the next update! Aside from these guys, we’re planning to improve our old ones as well as get more variants with...
Space Engineers Automatons Release
Space Engineers - Space Engineers: Automatons - Steam NewsHello, Engineers! The time to “build your friends” is now! Explore a future full of automated and animated allies and enemies. For this Major update we have provided you with the tools you need to define a new...
M.A.S.S. Builder: 0.10.0 New Type of Enemies
M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP 0.10.0: New Type of Enemies - Steam NewsHello! We’ve got a really exciting but short update this week again. Weeks ago we were asked if we’re getting any more enemies that aren’t Quarks and the answer at that time was yes... so here we are...
M.A.S.S. Builder: WIP 0.10.0 Whack’a’mole
M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP: 0.10.0 New Missions’ Mechanics - Steam NewsAnother Saturday means another WIP update from us. It’s a short one again, but we hope this showcase something more to come to the game. These remind me of the turrets from that one platform mission,...
M.A.S.S. Builder: WIP 0.10.0 Upcoming Changes
M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP: 0.10.0 Tentative Upcoming Changes #3 ENEMIES’ NUMBERS - Steam NewsBefore we get into today’s topic, we’d like to state this disclaimer first. Last time we discussed balances, we talked about the game’s difficulty and rewards. Spawning more weak...
We Suffered Heavy Losses
My previous computer, an ASUS gaming rig that I had for about 7 years, finally died on me. While I was able to save all my project data, most of my games data was lost. Space Engineers was the hardest hit by a landslide due to the hilarious amount of blueprints I had...
M.A.S.S. Builder: 0.10.0 More Weapon Parts Assaulter
M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP: 0.10.0 New Weapon Parts Assaulter - Steam NewsHello everyone! Today is another short but filled with images update. Last time, we’ve shown you new grips coming in the next update so it’s a sure thing we’re going to show you assaulters as well....
M.A.S.S. Builder: 0.10.0 WIP Tentative Credit Earning Changes
M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP: 0.10.0 Tentative Upcoming Changes #2 REWARDS - Steam NewsHello and welcome to another WIP update. Again, we’ll be tackling some balance changes this week, this time featuring mission rewards, namely CREDITS. I've gotten the sense for a while...
M.A.S.S. Builder WIP: 0.10.0 New Weapon Parts GRIP
M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP: 0.10.0 New Weapon Parts GRIP - Steam NewsHello again! Today’s a really short message... with tons of image from our ever-expanding armory, featuring new melee weapon grips coming in 0.10.0! Take note, these aren’t all the newer weapon parts...
M.A.S.S. Builder: WIP: 0.10.0 New Mission Sneak Peek Part 2
M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP: 0.10.0 New Mission Sneak Peek Part 2 - Steam NewsAnother week has passed, another WIP is here! We’re showing you a really hot mission that’s coming in 0.10.0, where some parts of the floor are literally lava. Why are we in such a hazardous...
M.A.S.S. Builder: Accessories Preview Part II
M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP: 0.10.0 Accessories Preview Part II - Steam NewsHello everyone! We hope you’re all having a happy rest with the Lunar New Year festival. On our side, we’re still working to push out the new update, with this week being another showcase of the...
M.A.S.S. Builder: 0.10.0 Accessories Preview
M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP: 0.10.0 Accessories Preview - Steam NewsAnother week, another WIP post! As we’re still in new year’s mood, we’d like to present something to fuel your creativity, new accessories coming in 0.10.0! These are just the first ones and there’ll be...
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