The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

Welcome to the Praedian Records.

This is my personal blog. It mainly focuses on Z.A.P, an ongoing IP project. Day to day blog posts may cover just about any topic I’m interested in.

You’re free to comment on any of the blog posts but keep the original post dates in mind. If a good comment does show up I might devote a whole post to addressing it.

M.A.S.S. Builder: 0.11.0 WIP Zenith Z Preview

M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP: 0.11.0 New Armor Set Preview ZENITH Z - Steam NewsBack to another WIP update for the week! We’re featuring the final variant of the new armor set Zenith, the Z variant. For this one, we wanted to emphasize the sharp, pointy, and oversized parts in some areas. While VD does state that they want to emphasize certain aspects of the Z variant of the Zenith armor, that almost...

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M.A.S.S. Builder: Recent News

I've been distracted as all get out so here's a three parter. Having said that, I think once M.A.S.S. Builder releases either 0.11.0 or 0.12.0 I'm going to stop writing about the news itself unless it's particularly important. I want to make another shift since half my posts are about a game I don't even have time to play right now. That'll change but right now the old 9-to-5 is sucking up darn...

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M.A.S.S. Builder: 0.11.0 Balance Changes and Zenith X

M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP 0.11.0 Tentative Balance Changes - Steam NewsWith weeks of new things being shown, we’d like to dial back to some balance changes we’re planning to make to improve the game in 0.11.0. With weeks of new things being shown, we'd like to dial back to some balance changes we're planning to make to improve the game in 0.11.0 First, let us remind you that we'll be unlocking tier...

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The GPT Store is Open

Introducing the GPT StoreWe’re launching the GPT Store to help you find useful and popular custom versions of ChatGPT. You can bet I'm going to get in on this. I've actually already made more than half a dozen custom GPTs just testing concepts and also building a few helpers for my own personal use. Based on that experience, I'd say getting some kind of business started on the GPT store is more...

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Begin (2024)

2023 ended weirdly abruptly for me, but I got the shot in the arm I needed in order to hit the ground running in 2024. This year's going to be absolutely crazy, but for me personally, I feel my worst years are finally behind me. I'm ready to stop drowning in a sea of projects and aspirations and just learn to live and breath those things. After all, my kind of work doesn't have to be boring and...

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Quick Update

This is a general update and not project specific. To start, I've been pretty sick the last couple of weeks. That nuked almost every end-of-the-year plan and goal I had for 2023, including the Yamato project. Even as I write this, I'm only just 'recovering.' There's no way I'm going to have anything ready in time for my birthday or even early January. With just the Yamato I've already lost more...

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M.A.S.S. Builder: WIP 0.11.0 PILE BUNKER

M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP 0.11.0 New Bullet Shooter PILE BUNKER - Steam NewsWelcome back to another WIP post, this week introducing a new Bullet Shooter that is on another spectrum of shooters. Please welcome the Pile Bunker! PIle Bunker is a MELEE Bullet Shooter, having one chargeable bullet, you. This is a weapon that took a long time to get it to work, being vastly different from other shooters,...

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Recent Pinned Posts

Begin (2024)

2023 ended weirdly abruptly for me, but I got the shot in the arm I needed in order to hit the ground running in 2024. This year's going to be absolutely crazy, but for me personally, I feel my worst years are finally behind me. I'm ready to stop drowning in a sea of...

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