The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

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M.A.S.S. Builder: Recent News

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Begin (2024)

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Things Will Get Better

by | Jan 22, 2022 | FV, Journal, LGT, Life, MASS Builder, Pinned

Sometimes you have to take big steps to make sure things will get better, but it’s all part of the process.

Me Personally

I’m getting close to resolving an issue that’s been hounding me for the better part of two decades now. I don’t like cutting ties with people I’ve known for that long, but there’s a popular saying that I’m going to share with you.

You are the sum of the five people closest to you.

This isn’t a saying I flat out believe in, but something that has the ring of truth to it from my own personal experience. It’s something I’ve been trying to take the reins on, both because of what I’ve been through, and how much it’s held me back.

It was very recent when something clicked for me. I thought I understood just how bad things had gotten between myself and this person I considered as close as family, but then I took a big step back and realized that I don’t even know them. Are they forgetful and over emotional? Or are they malicious and manipulative? More than twenty years I’ve ‘known’ this person, to the point I convinced myself I was obligated to always offer them an olive branch no matter how much they attacked and slandered me. More than twenty years now looking back on everything, I can’t answer that question. Are they malicious or not?

I don’t know.

I’ll probably never know.

That’s why it’s so important to put this vicious cycle to rest once and for all, even if it means cutting ties. All I want to do with my life is create: Finding the Good, the Beautiful, and the True, and rendering it in my own way is what I’m here for. I won’t be able to do that wasting precious time and energy on people who only know how to lash out and tear things down. It’s subtle, but it has held me back in innumerable little ways over the years.

I’ll know how this is all going to end between now and Tuesday morning. I’ve said everything I needed to say on that front for now. Things will get better because I’m going to make them get better.

M.A.S.S. Builder

I need to find a better logo for linking articles instead of just text. The team posted this Afterwords article today and I wanted to share it here.

This warrant’s its own post but I’m still planning on writing up a full article for 0.8.0. It’s on topic so I just wanted to say how proud I am of the dev team and how much work they put into the game. Is it perfect? Not yet, but if anyone’s going to get a fair shot at perfection in the mecha genre, it’ll be this hardworking, dedicated team. I’ll be supporting this game any way I can going forward because they deserve it.

Fleeing Victory

I’ll be working on Fleeing Victory #16 (now named Two Teams) for as long as I can tomorrow to try to get it finished. (finally …) If it doesn’t take too long, I’ll also start on FV #17 (no title just yet). If I can get those both finished in the next couple of days, that will give me about a week to figure out The Class Array and knock out two articles to wrap up the month. Let’s do this.


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Begin (2024)

2023 ended weirdly abruptly for me, but I got the shot in the arm I needed in order to hit the ground running in 2024. This year's going to be absolutely crazy, but for me personally, I feel my worst years are finally behind me. I'm ready to stop drowning in a sea of...

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Yamato Progress

Oh my goodness ... well, things may have slowed down exponentially compared to the first 24 hours of working on this thing, but that doesn't mean there hasn't been major progress. Check this out. The exterior is nearly finished (minus coloring) The catapults work...

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