The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

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M.A.S.S. Builder: Recent News

I've been distracted as all get out so here's a three parter. Having said that, I think once M.A.S.S. Builder releases either 0.11.0 or 0.12.0 I'm going to stop writing about the news itself unless it's particularly important. I want to make another shift since half...

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Begin (2024)

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February Goals

by | Feb 1, 2022 | Blog, FV, LGT, MASS Builder, Pinned, Space Engineers, WoWs

First, a quick review of January.

January Goals

  • Lydia’s Golden Treasury: Chapter 5 1st Draft (Rolled over)
  • Fleeing Victory #16-17
  • Read 1 novel
  • 2 Blog Articles for the site
  • Upgrade the Prinz Heinrich (Revised and Finished)

Could be worse, but I’m surprised more by what did work out than what didn’t. Onto February.

February Goals

  • Lydia’s Golden Treasury Chapter 5 and 6 1st Draft
  • Lydia’s Golden Treasury Editing Sessions: Chapter 2
  • Fleeing Victory: FV2
  • Read 1 novel

For this month I’m lightening up in some areas and increasing the load in others. LGT’s my top priority, so I want to get things moving on all fronts, not just the chapter write ups. Also, I think going back and making those edits will help keep me in the right headspace. The new chapters should come out better for it.

Next, there’s the extension I gave myself for Chapter 5 to address. February 3rd was a reasonable deadline for finishing a 1st draft, but the quality would have been abysmal with that kind of last minute chronology correction I pulled on myself. I’m not turning this into an editor to clean things up for me–I’m my editor. I’d just wind up rewriting the whole thing anyway, so I’m just taking the L for January. 1st drafts for both Chapter 5 and 6 are now due by the end of February.

The editing sessions I used to do were one session per scene with an extra one for that chapter’s song. Sticking to that format, meeting the goal for this month should take six sessions. I thought about shrinking that number and doing multiple scenes, but some are really long and I don’t want these to get too bulky.

So far I like the style and pacing I used with FV1, so I’ll try to keep that going in FV2. It should be a two part chapter like the first, but I’m not making that a rule or anything. Sometimes three is going to make more sense, so I’ll do whatever feels right.

I haven’t chosen a novel for February yet.  I’ve got a few days so I’ll check around.


Some things I plan to work on in February but left out of the goals list (to keep my priorities straight) include that FnF article I was working on, a Space Engineers Workshop upload, a M.A.S.S. Builder related project, at least one WoWs Clip video, and some ‘art’ related things. I’ll have more details on those later this month.


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