The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

Current Projects

Chapter 2 1st Draft 30%

Remnants of the Elders

Yamato 60%
Hermes 5%
Yorktown 80%
Victorious 30%
Maya 5%
Blücher 70%
Prinz Eugen 10%
Seydlitz 85%
Lützow 10%
Magdeburg 5%
Prinz Heinrich 5%
Konigsberg 5%
Type 34 Destroyer 90%
Type 36 Destroyer 80%

Busy, Busy

What a fun sleep schedule this is turning out to be. Though it’s neither fun nor much of a schedule. I didn’t wake up until it was too late to make my post for the day, so today is going to be even busier than yesterday was.

A few things first.

The Arpeggio Idea: Progress

I’m trying to get work as a front end developer, and that requires a lot of study. I’m using that hypothetical Arpeggio of Blue Steel event as a bit of training. Along with the other random things I’m doing, that’s what’s taking so long on that front.

Basically I’m going to write the whole thing out like a Wargaming article, complete with the look and feel of an actual event. There are still a lot of assets I need to grab to make it look right, but it’s coming along well, and it’s been good practice, too.

This side project in particular is going to be great.

Fleeing Victory

It’s about time for the part three, and thankfully I’ve got it mostly outlined. It’s mostly tearing myself away from this that and the other thing to focus on churning it out. I’m hoping to have it done early tomorrow, but that’s only my hope. We’ll see.

M.A.S.S. Builder

A small spark of inspiration hit me a few hours ago, and now I know what kinds of builds I should be focusing on while I get used to the system.

One of the early iterations of the Alliance in the Aeon setting had some pretty nice themed robots and trying to recreate those in M.A.S.S. Builder will definitely be a challenge, but challenges are kind of all I do these days, so it should fit right in with the rest.

More on this once there’s more to say.

Space Engineers: Admiral Hipper

Oh. My. Goodness.

I had no idea what I was capable of. This really warrants its own post, but I just need to mention here that the Admiral Hipper, while getting perilously close to having a subgrid and feature creep problem, is incredibly functional.

I have no idea when I’m going to find the time to finally post the Cosmo Messer on the workshop; every time I open up the game to work on it, I wind up working on the Hipper instead. It’s not wasted effort, though. I’m actually proud of this ship and what it can do. My only regret is that I’m not quite at a level where I can make a build like this completely vanilla.

Goodness, though, I’m getting close. I’m getting ridiculously close. I need to start looking into vanilla homing missiles and torpedoes.


There’s more I could mention, but this post is long enough and I need to get back to it.

Let’s Try Tomorrow

I’m having a sleep crisis again. Today was excruciatingly unproductive. Normally I can bounce back from these pretty well, though, so I’m going to try to make some headway on a few things tomorrow.

I don’t have any specific plans for Wednesday now that Clan Battles is over, but I’ll think of something.

Another Quiet Day (4/11)

Or at least it was probably quiet. I wouldn’t know since I was asleep for most of it.

I’m glad I got a couple of things done before crashing. It mostly amounted to getting those replays from Wows recorded ahead of the next update.

I also found a workable, airtight alternative to the standard hangar gates I’ve been forced to use on a lot of builds in Space Engineers. I’ve always been a bit wary of merge blocks and timers, but if I can get my own system worked out, I’ll be able to make rotor/hinge based hangar gates without always compromising on the hull shape of my builds. There’s also a way to potentially pull this off without timer blocks, so I’ll be trying that first with the Easy Automation script.

That’s a pretty big win on its own.

A Good Day for Creation and a Good Night for Destruction

Space Engineers: Carousel Hangar Version 2.0

When I got up this morning I decided I should just make a copy of the Admiral Hipper to test the concept of a double sided platform. I just wanted to see if it was feasible at all.

“Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.”

– Scott Adams

So I wound up building the entire thing. The Hipper just went from having a capacity of 4 fighters to 8 in one morning.

All that’s left at this point is to finish styling and programming some safeties into the system, as well as building a new, slightly larger enclosure for the whole thing. I’ll need a new set of hangar doors too, so I’m looking into designs for those, as well as brainstorming some of my own.

It’s working! It’s working!

– Anakin Skywalker

World of Warships: Last Night of Clan Battles

Unless the schedule’s different, tonight was the last night of this Clan Battles season. What was it called again? Season Narwhal? Anyway, it was pretty good overall. Preussen, Bourgogne, Shikishima, and Yoshino B. These four were the standouts above DD tonnage in my roster.

We keep firing until they sink or we do!

It was a little weird that I didn’t play a battleship at all for this session. I started in the Daring and things weren’t going too well for the team overall. Things started evening out more once I swapped into the Yoshino. Go figure, this cruiser’s not tanky per se, but she’s very hard to sink in the right hands.

M.A.S.S. Builder: More Quark Design

Between the enemy with a wind tunnel for a face and this slog turned t-rex, I actually think this is the weirder one. Most quarks are quad-limbed, so this creature stands out for that alone. It’s jaw is also significantly larger than it appears at a glance. Depending on the final scale, this thing could probably eat a M.A.S.S. outright.

I’m going to call him the Gigabite.

A New Book and a New Build

Well, Halo finally got here yesterday. That’s right around the time of month these books usually show up. I’ll be starting on that one either tonight or tomorrow. It really comes down to how much energy I have.

It feels like ‘gone are the days’ when sleep left me feeling well rested.

One other thing to note, I’ve decided to use the exact building process I used on the latest iteration of the Admiral Hipper on the Prinz Heinrich. In short, I’m rebuilding the entire ship from scratch. It won’t be easy, and it’s going to take a while, long enough that the Hipper will probably be done well, WELL in advance, but it’s necessary.

I learned a lot renovating and experimenting with that original D-37, but ultimately the hull form is what’s holding me back. The Timberwolf will always have a special place in my heart, and I’ll probably use a couple of variants of it for other things, but the Heinrich needs two things to really shine now: a modless interior, and a new hull form.

This does mean that my passages mod experiment also ends here. As much as I like this mod, it is missing a few passage variants that make it worth going all in for a ship design, at least in my case. Now that I’ve got a better grasp of interior layouts, I’m having a much easier time without them.

That should do it for now. Let’s see what Vermillion has for us tomorrow.

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