We're in the final stretch. It's that phase of development where you're not even sure what to do anymore, you're just running around tweaking every little thing, critiquing things that don't need it (particularly colors). It's a bit frustrating but it's also nice to...
A Preview Needs Making (Hipper)
The Admiral Hipper is nearly done--I'll update the progress bar tomorrow. That means I've got to figure out how I want to handle the fighter complement as well as what constitutes 'standard features' of a Hipper class ship in the Kaiser faction. As for the title of...
To the Next
I finished up Spice and Wolf Volume 2 early in the afternoon. Very good read. Unfortunately I can't start on Volume 3 for September since I didn't get around to ordering it .. budget's kind of tight right now. So next month, in addition to chipping away at Dune, is...
The site's really been chugging lately, not just the front end, the back end has been just as sluggish lately. Sometime this week I'm going to do a deep dive to try and smooth things out again. I was actually planning to do a visual overhaul of the entire site in...
Wrapping Up August
Well here we are, two days to go and then the whole month of September stretches out in front of me. There's a lot of unfinished stuff I'll need to catch up on so that's going to be the focus for next month, particularly the Lyre of Binding chapter from Lydia's Golden...
Clan Battles and Space Engineers
I didn't keep count of our wins and losses this time, but it was pretty bad until a certain chill, funny man showed up. Those are always fun coincidences. It probably helped that we started using one battleship and all cruisers to give ourselves a massive health...
M.A.S.S. Builder Update: Upcoming Boss #2
M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP: 0.9.0 Upcoming Boss#2 Model Preview - Steam NewsWelcome back to another WIP update. We know it’s been far too long for the multiplayer update coming but we’re still working on it. In the meantime, we’d like to talk show a small preview of an...
Clan Battles 8/24
It could have been a lot worse, but today's win/loss ratio was pretty bad. Group A (we had two groups after the first few games for once; quite the rarity) had eleven matches with only wins. I have no idea how Group B fared. A few people had to leave early. I decided...
I crashed hard yesterday. I had the tab open to make a quick post and everything, but alas. Resting my eyes turned my Monday into a Tuesday. It's like magic, dark, evil magic. Anyway, I'm still tired for some reason so I might not even manage my catch up post today,...
Slept On Clan Battles
There weren't enough people to get started and I was tired. Given how Wednesday went, plus today, it's not a good sign for how the rest of the season may unfold. I've wanted a tier 8 Clan Battles for a long time, even if only to escape from the frustrations of Tier...
M.A.S.S. Builder QOL Update
M.A.S.S. Builder - WIP: 0.9.0 QOL Update - Steam NewsHello everyone! With works on multiplayer still being done, we’ve decided to work on some small quality of life updates for you players. We hope this will help you players in your future gaming sessions. Quality of...
Very Small Update 8/19
Today was short and I only made progress on The Lyre of Binding Chapter and some of the Hipper's new paint job. With the Lyre chapter I'm writing events chronologically and leaving small gaps for additional content later on. I'm just getting key events written before...
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Fleeing Victory #2
The Tanks Have Arms That was Munica's new weapon, Ricard thought bitterly as he grasped at his senses. He found himself lying facedown, his goggles pressed hard against his eyes. He could feel a trickle of blood in his nose as he rose onto his hands and knees....
Fleeing Victory #1
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Armor of the Unburdened (First Draft)
I'm glad I made my deadline, though that just means it's right back to work. Like I said before, the first drafts will be posted on the blog, but I'll be cleaning things up over time and the newer versions will be in the Records section of the site. This particular...