I said I'd be starting the writing process for The Class Array on the 20th and I have. I've got about 10 days left to finish it and the rest of my January goals but I'll get there. For now I'm just doing a little bit at a time and letting the ideas come naturally....
Two Down (Sort of)
The Long Moonlight That title was spot on and I finally really got it around Chapter 8 or so. It wasn't a long book, but I certainly enjoyed it. I also got 'The Shadow' vibes, which makes sense, as the author's a fan. I'm not sure if I'm going to write a full review,...
Site Edits and Fleeing Victory Edits
I'm aiming for tomorrow on Fleeing Victory #16. Today I got held up making edits to previous chapters to bring the style and plot more in line. I'll be doing the same thing with all the previous chapters but tomorrow the plan is to just focus on getting FV#16 done....
Slight Nausea
Motion sickness. That's really, really rare for me, but I do use a pretty big monitor. I was working on the Prinz Heinrich and the Admiral Hipper in Space Engineers. Luckily, I made some progress before my brain decided what my eyes were seeing and body was feeling...
That’s a Wrap (Clan Battles)
That should be it for Season Narwhal--or whatever they were calling it--of Clan Battles. Not our best night in terms of wins and losses, but we had a lot of fun toward the end. When you've got five of the fastest French ships and an Italian and Russian ship along as...
Some Good and Some Not Good (M.A.S.S. Builder and WoWs)
M.A.S.S. Builder I'm checking out 0.8.0 but there's a lot to cover before I can write anything substantial on it. So far it's all positive, though. I'm also thinking of starting a personal project, and if all goes well, I should be able to put the final touches on my...
Fleeing Victory’s A Plot Kicking Off
I'm not sure why I thought I needed to cover more of what was happening with the Ghosts. I guess I just like following them that much. Either way, I'll be ending their perspective on things with Fleeing Victory #16. I haven't introduced every planned character for the...
This Sparks Joy (World of Warships)
The latest dev blog from Wargaming sparks joy. Well, one part of it does, at least. Yorktown and Hornet Never getting my hands on Enterprise really really hurt, but if the rest of the Yorktown class carriers are coming, that's quite the consolation. I'd rather have...
M.A.S.S. Builder Update 0.8.0 Release Date Announced
I've been looking forward to this~ January 15th, this Saturday is when we'll finally get to try out the game's new features. Some things that were touched on previously over the last few months were new armor sets, more accessories, gameplay balance changes, new...
Angry Blogger Noises
I should have known I'd be knocking out the majority of the visual site work all at once. Today's been rough and I'm running on three hours of sleep. I wanted to write today not fight with the Divi modules on the front and back ends. My legs hurt. Anyway, it's been a...
Ideas and Whatnot
Articles Still no ideas for How-To articles for this month, but I think an FnF will work instead. It helps that I'm nearly finished with the first one. My FnF articles are basically just 'wiki style' pages for fictional things I really like with my personal input...
Getting Back on Track
Things are starting to get back to normal, so it's time to catch up on things (and shoot some things). Clan Battles 8 Wins and 4 Losses. It looked something like this: 2 Wins, 1 Loss, 6 Wins, 3 Losses. 2:1 ratio? I'll take it. Overall a very good night, and this is...
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