The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

A Rough Couple of Days

I shouldn't get into the details, but suffice to say 2022's off to a rough start for the family. I've also been distracted trying to figure out exactly what moves I need to make over the next few months and what order they need to be made in. It's not going to be as...

PS Remote Play Work Around

PS Remote Play Work Around

I was hesitant to try such a round about way of juking the scene blocker on my PS4, but after testing it a little, remoteplay is good enough for my purposes. I don't need it for streaming or showcasing videos. It's mainly for screenshots, so as long as the frame rate...

Clan Battles Went Okay

Clan Battles It was a rough start. I was pretty frustrated for a while and I wasn't expecting a temporary switch to cruiser to improve the situation much. Then this happened. (hover) So that was a good way to end the...

Missing My Gundam Games

GBO2 I got some new controllers as a gift. This time they're direct from Sony, so I'm hoping they'll work properly for at least a few months. That should give me time to poke around in GBO2 some more. GBO2 is a game I used to play a lot and there was a lot of good...

Potential Site Changes (Plus Other Things)

Potential Site Changes Legibility is one of my biggest concerns with the Praedian Records (which is ironic because the Praedian Records the site was inspired by is an incomprehensible mess). I like the way the theme looks right now, but I'm thinking about making a...

January Goals

Thoughts I've had a lot to think about over these past few days, and I've been trying to come up ways to improve. It's not just about better writing but better everything. This year there's a lot of things I've got to get myself up to date on, and fast. Not least of...

Final Update of 2021

My Birthday That's today. It's nice to have a birthday that almost everyone celebrates on. It also makes it a good deadline for certain projects. Somehow the motivation is greater. Lydia's Golden Treasury Four chapters down and three to go. Only one chapter's had any...

How To Install Fonts

Windows has a large number of fonts to work with right out of out the gate, but if there just isn't one that fits, you may want to get some new ones. If you're like me, you may have just stumbled onto a fonts website, or a unique font someone else was using and wanted...

The Storm Cometh

Twice, actually. I think we've finally figured out how best to use the Bourgogne, regardless of what the second battleship is. Not is it only more fun to flank at speed on maps like hotspot but it's also very effective if you can get there before an anchor cruiser can...

Three Days Left

Site Work I ran into a little problem earlier and it took me almost an hour to track down the issue. The title images I was trying to test on the site had glowing borders around them for some reason. It completely ruined the look, so I had to fix them. Getting rid of...

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