The Praedian Records

J.G. Phoenix

A Poor Thursday

Also an APT acronym to go with it. I'm aiming for Friday for the next LGT editing session. Like I said before, Friday and Sunday tend to be the quietest days of the week for me, so I may make those 'official days' for these kinds of things. As for today, I don't...

WoWs and the Lost Replays

I'm so sad I didn't have time to record all three of the matches I had yesterday. They each had good little moments in them that would have been worth the effort. Alas, the next WoWs update hit on the same day. I've heard of methods to roll back the game client to...

A Guided Tour?

I'm always brainstorming ways to keep the blog relatively lively between ZAP related posts, but a lot of the ideas seem like more trouble than they're worth. At the same time, I think I should play to my strengths whenever and however I can. Having said that, I'm...

September Will Be Slow

Things are going to be pretty slow around here for the next few days. Likely in late September too; personal holidays and the like. I'll still be posting daily, even if it's just rambling about nothing to the tune of nil. I can't be sure yet but seeing the way my...

LGT Editing #5

I've decided to leave the song alone for now. Once we're at the end of editing Chapter 1, I'll make an LGT Editing article specifically for the song and look into ways of improving it. The issue with editing the song is that it was never meant to be perfect, but at...

A Little Late

Late or not, I've got a one post per day policy so that means two posts for today minimum. God help me if I wind up in the hospital for a week or something else like that. There's no topic for this one; I'm just going to let my thoughts spill onto the page and then...

Wargaming’s Apology (The Big One)

Now this here was a pleasant surprise from Wargaming. Linked here is a lengthy apology to the warships community in general and WG taking a surprising amount of responsibility for what's been happening lately. I'm just going to comment on the parts I find interesting...

Captured Clan Battles

Yesterday's matches were pretty good at first and I'm glad I recorded them, but our wins and losses favored the latter. We also ended early so there's not much to be said for it. Still, I did manage to up the smoothness of the recordings just a little bit. Nothing I'd...

Capturing Clan Battles

We'll see how things turn out tonight. Last Sunday we tried swapping out the Weser for the Loewenhardt but there's just too big a difference between these two CVs. Neither myself or our other CV main could really get her working. She's a fine ship, but at the end of...

There’s the Rewrite

I knew it was coming, but I'm actually not too miffed about it. I have to rewrite that prologue for Frame Ops because I found a better way to introduce the A and B plots. Of course, the whole thing has to change to make it work, so that's what I'll be focusing on for...

Naval Safari

I love it when weird concepts come together in a setting just right. At some point I really want to write a short story exploring the idea from various peoples' perspectives rather than just leaving it as something seldom mentioned in lore. What I'm talking about are...

LGT Editing #4

Alright! Let's jump right into it, shall we? This first line's perfectly serviceable, but I still aim to improve the story whenever, wherever, and however I can. Enya watched Irving and Todd until they had jogged all the way out of view. The Golden Treasury was a...

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